Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : August 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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down to a handful of votes in 22 or 23 counties, the question is if kamala harris runs too far away from of the biden economic plan, the biden legacy, will she be seen as too undefined and too radical, to san francisco? i want to make one last point because it bothers me tremendously, we have a woman running for president who is giving you the advice to silence the woman, i find a, as a woman even, i find it as an american, disgraceful and disingenuous we're so excited we have a woman and nobody wants her to speak. they don't want her to speak to the press or under the wing, or do interviews. it's a terrible look. hillary clinton was not afraid to speak, what came out of her mouth sometimes was suspect, calling people irredeemable. but the woman here on the split screen, that presidential nominee, the first female

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president of color in our nation's and our closest advisors saying read a teleprompter to speak. >> we are listening to the andover this senators speech, and we have just been told that you have a friend has been bumped. [ laughter ] >> i think i hear everything kelly and is saying, she is closing the gap here. this is still about winning the campaign, she cannot win without talking about these issues. she has been out on the trail, she is not answered the way some may want her to answer, which i think she will have to do but she is out talking with the voters, interacting with voters and talking about why she think america will look like going forward. think bill said something important, people thought this convention, young archivist on your show this morning, who was talking about to the democratic party was abandoning to israel, you have not seen anybody in

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this room talking about hamas or gaza, democrats protesting here. the notion of releasing hostages, the cease-fire, there has to be a release of hostages. we have not seen that -- >> they are standing right outside we went but not in this hall. we have seen a few protests pick my point is, there are some things they're trying to get under control of the have it b but, would have had at that talk more about his record today in kentucky and we have three more nights. we will see what happens. >> as go down to bill, what do you have a? >> the democratic senator from georgia just made the transition back to joe biden, you can hear it from this speech, you can hear it -- seed in the teleprompter. from my perspective just like in milwaukee again to see that to -- speaker and the teleprompters i can keep an eye on him. he has just made the transition back to joe biden. what is coming up next? chris koons, the democratic senator from delaware will do

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introduction, followed by their daughter ashley and we was he the current u.s. president guided joe biden. in the meantime, the trump team and the rapid advance response is already out, they will say this, democrats say we are not going back, they are asking back where? back to low inflation, secure borders? they will hit on that issue. also hit on her record as da in san francisco talking about crime and murder rates, look for those messages after we leave chicago going into september. as we wait for the current president... it is now 11:02 pm. on the east coast. we still wait. and we might even have a nvidia they could run as long as ten minutes pick we will see whether or not to that will make the cut here in chicago. >> you just lost brent napier,. [ laughter ] -- britney.

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>> there is a video? i did not sign up for this! >> it remember in iowa when you left? [ laughter ] he went before midnight! >> can i mention one thing? on gaza and hamas and hostages, alexander gave a rousing speech, you covered a lot of topics but her biggest applause line was when she said that kamala harris is the first call for a cease-fire and she will get a cease-fire and she will protect the people of gaza, and she added and get the hostages back. it was definitely something that was buried. >> he have two's squad members who were the worst and the most -- of the laws or primaries, i'm glad they did. kamala harris speared down and talked, if you don't like my policy, go beaufort donald trump. i hear you but i think she has been clear that she has been given credit for. >> it led me just say, this speech is superlong. [ laughter ]

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>> out of think anybody gaza memo, to say you have seven minutes. honestly. >> joe biden is standing backstage of. the senator is holding the floor longer after he was supposed to speak, how do you feel about that? >> a lot to be said, keeping things moving. [ laughter ] you know, one of the things that has been said that president biden would like, when he looks at the window he has between now and january, it's exactly that. it's to bring the hostages home and to have a cease-fire. as you looked for legacy to cap off his 50 plus year career harold ane service to the country, this is something we know means a lot to him. he wants to have a cap on all of

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this, correct? >> absolutely, i currently echo what has been said. it is unusual. i cannot imagine that this is what of the dnc was hoping at 11:05 pm, and they're still a few more speakers before the president gets up who i heard did a great job or early, get flowers for this president. >> everybody's going to be asleep. >> let's listening to senator chris koons from delaware,. >> i want to talk to you for a few minutes about my dear friend, our dear president, joe biden. [ cheering and applause ] joe biden's mom had a saying, you are defined by your courage and you are redeemed by your loyalty. four years ago i had the honor of helping to introducing to joe biden tower national convention, is spoke about joe's faith, his

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love of family,'s determination to restore to the soul of our nation. back in 2020, america was nearly flat on our back from a deadly pandemic. an economic collapse. in january, and assault on our democracy. all of this because the drama and chaos of our former president had knocked as down. but folks, joe biden's courage, joe biden's faith in us, joe biden's determination of two heal the soul of our nation gave us hope and gave us confidence. someone who has himself been knocked down by life time and again. joe biden knows the great and determination of the american people. he believed in us at, and joe

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biden helped us get back up again. [ cheering and applause ] using the incredible skills he had developed pain it many years in the u.s. senate, joe got passed and signed into law, the most consequential legislation of any president in 60 years. helping our veterans, advancing gun safety, cutting prescription drug prices, fighting climate change, rebuilding bridges, bringing manufacturing back to america, together, joe and kamala harris helped rebuild our economy, from the middle up, from the bottom up in the middle out, not from the top down. and then made our families safer in our country stronger, at home and abroad.

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today, we are so much better off because they believed in us, in our democracy. and our incredible first lady jill biden. [ cheering and applause ] our incredible first lady, jill biden! troop laws our incredible first lady, jill biden! [ cheering and applause ] was at joe's side every step of the way, fighting for education, advancing the cancer moonshot, determined to improve women's healthcare, honoring to military families. joe and jill together, you have done so much for us, there is so much more you will do and we can do together per mr. president, thank you. thank you!

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for elevating a great leader in it kamala harris! [ cheering and applause ] vice president harris, thank you for choosing a great running mate with a heart for the middle class like yours, congressman, coach, governor, tim walz! [ cheering and applause ] i have hope, do you? i have hope, do you? i have hope, do you? [ cheering ] it is and is no part because of joe biden. i have never known a more compassionate man than joe biden. i have never known a man who has taken from his own laws in his own faith and delivered so much for the future of so many ot

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others. mr. president, mr. president... you were my senator as an delaware resident, you were my president as an american, and he will always be my friend. on behalf of our nation joe, for your courage, in it fighting for our democracy, wheat thank you. [ cheering and applause ] on behalf of our democratic party, for your loyalty and fighting for our democratic values, we thank you! [ cheering and applause ] and on behalf of delaware, thank you joe and god bless you, we love you! we love joe!

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we love joe! we love joe! >> everyone: we love joe! >> we love joe! p we love joe! >> god bless you, thank you very much. [ cheering and applause ] >> hello, i'm a fourth grayed student. and finn bouncing around all week for this moment to. remember the day we heard that mr. biden had won and the whole neighborhood began celebrating. when i heard you were coming i really wanted to meet you.

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i believe you because he embraced change for my generation, and the ones to come. i look up to you. [ ♪♪ ] >> it's my honor to introduce our first lady, doctor jill biden. [ cheering and applause ] >> announcer: first lady of the united states, jill biden. [ ♪♪ ]

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[ ♪♪ ] >> thank you. >> everyone: jill! jill! >> thank you,. [ chuckling ] i love you too. [ laughter ] jo-anne die have been together for almost 50 years. and still, there are moments when i fall in love with him all over again. [ cheering ] like when i handed him our baby ashley for the first time and saw the smile that lit up his

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face. or on nights after an exhausting day working in the senate, when he would read one more bedtime story just because the kids asked. when he stops on a rope line, because he sees somebody grieving who needs to know that everything is going to be all right to one day. or to encourage that child willie's daughter to find a confidence she needs. those moments when i'm reminded of all that he has accomplished gain in the name of something bigger than himself. receiving the medal of freedom with humility. [ cheering and applause ] placing his hands on our family bible to take his oath of of

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office. [ applause ] and weeks ago. when i saw him dig deeper into his soul and decide to no longer seek reelection and indoors kamala harris! troop laws -- [ cheering and applause ] with faith and conviction, joe knows is that our nation does not come from intimidation or cruelty, it comes from the small acts of kindness that heal deep wounds, from service to the communities who make us who we are. from love of a country that sign -- enshrines with promise and renewable. kamala harris knows that as well. [ applause ]

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our son, first worked with column like when he was attorney general of delaware. [ cheering and applause ] he told me at the dinner table one night, mom, she is special. somebody to keep your eye on. and he was right. joe and i know kamala harris. we have seen her courage, her determination and her leadership up clothes. kamala and tim, you will win when -- win! [ cheering and applause ] and you are inspiring and new generation.

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we are all part of something bigger than ourselves, and we are stronger then it we know. the future of our country is in the hands of those in this room, and all of you watching at home, it is going to take all of us, and we cannot afford to lose. with faith in each other, hope for a brighter future and love for our country, we will fight and we will win together! thank you! thank you! [ cheering and applause ] [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: please welcome,

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for his daughter, actually biden. [ ♪♪ ] >> good evening. and have this memory, it's the eve of my eighth birthday, data still in dc tending to urgent matters in the senate, that night as a surprise, mom told me, bo and hunter to get in the car. a remember pulling up to the remington station, writing of the s. later to the platform. the train stops back doors open and dad to step so. as soon i saw him i ran down that platform and jumped into his arms, like magic, mom got

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out a cake, these saying happy birthday and i blue out the candles. dad hugged me and he said he had to get back to work. he crossed to the soft of -- southbound train and off he went to dc. that was a snapshot of one moment of one day owned this extraordinary journey of it being joe biden's daughter. [ applause ] joe biden is the og girl data. -- dad. he told me i could be anything and i could do anything to. as a child i would say on the leather chair and his office doing my homework and he would sit next to me doing his work. drafting the violence against women act. [ cheering and applause ]

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and he wasn't just a girl dad, i could see, i could see that he valued and trusted women. [ cheering and applause ] how he listened to his mother, he believed in his sister, and most of all, how he respected my mother's career. dad was always there doing everything he could to be a true partner to her. dad, you always tell us, but we don't tell you enough, that you are the love of our lives in the life of our love. [ applause ]

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i had my reception in my parents backyard. at the time, my dad was vice president. but he was also that dad, who literally set up the entire reception. he was riding around in his at john deere four wheeler fixing the place settings, arranging the plants and by the way he was very emotional. thought i would be ms but he was the one crying. and i was the one that had to comfort him. before he walked me down the aisle, he turned to me and decided that he would always be my best friend, all of these years later, dad, you are still my best friend. [ applause ] his example in service and inspired my career. on the social worker in philadelphia. [ cheering and applause ]

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i support formerly incarcerated woman as they heal from past trauma and they reclaim their lives. [ cheering and applause ] dad always told me that i was no better than anybody else and nobody was better than me. he taught me that everybody deserves a fair shot and we should not leave anybody behind. that is what you learn from a fighter who had been underestimated his entire life. when i look at data, ic grace, strengths and humility. ic one of the most consequential leaders ever in history. [ cheering and applause ] and i also know, that he never stops thinking about you, about

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your dreams, about your dignity, about your opportunities, about your family. dad knows that family is everything. when hunter and i lost our brother bo to cancer in 2015, the grief and the pain it felt like it might never end. dad had the capacity to step out of his own pain and absorb hours. and i know that bo is here with us tonight as he is always with us. after bo pastor got this tattoo on my wrist, it says courage dear heart. reminder to myself to keep going, to get back up like my dad has always done.

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he has taught me a courageous heart is a miraculous think, a courageous heart can heal a family, a courageous heart can heal eight nation, and maybe even the world. and now, this election requires as a courageous parts of all of us. in 2020 mind data selector to kamala harris to beat donald trump, and he knows in 2024, she will beat donald trump again! [ cheering and applause ] so tonight i am asking to you, if you stood with us in 2020, call upon your courageous heart, stand with us today, work harder

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than you have ever worked before in your life. this is the fight of our lifetime. our freedom, over democracy, our reproductive rights! all of this, all of it is on the ballot. and i note together we can do this because my dad helped show us the way. [ cheering and applause ] and now i would like to introduce my father, you're 46th president of the united states, joe biden! troop laws. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ cheering and applause ] [ ♪♪ ]

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[ ♪♪ ] [ cheering ] [ ♪♪ ] >> president biden: thank you.

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[ cheering and applause ] thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. [ cheering and applause ]

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thank you, thank you, thank you. [ cheering and applause ] thank you, thank you, thank you! [ cheering and applause ] thank you! thank you! thank you!

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i love you! thank you! [ cheering and applause ] thank you, thank you, thank you! that was my daughter! [ cheering and applause ] thank you! [ cheering and applause ] >> everyone: we love joe!! >> president biden: thank you. i will tell you what -- [ cheering and applause ]

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to my dearest daughter ashley, got i love you you are incredible. thank you for the introduction. and for being my courageous heart, along with hunter and our entire family, and especially our rock, jill! [ cheering and applause ] those of you who know as, she still leaves me move -- both breathless and speechless! everybody knows her, all love her more than she loves me. [ laughter ] she walks down the stairs and is still go boom boom boom. let's give a special round of applause to our first lady, jill biden. [ cheering and applause ]

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my dad -- [ cheering and applause ] my dad used to have an expression, for real you would say joey, family is the beginning, in the middle and the end. and a love you all. folks... [ cheering and applause ] and america, i love you! [ cheering and applause ] folks, let me ask you -- [ speaking alternate language ] we love joe! we love joe! we

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love joe! >> president biden: let me ask you! are you ready to vote for freedom? sure applause are we ready to vote for democracy and for america. [ cheering and applause ] are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz? [ cheering and applause ] my fellow democrats, my fellow americans, nearly four years -- 40 years ago, on the steps of the capital on a cold january day, i raised my right hand and as for an o.'s to you and to god to preserve, protect and defend the constitution, and faithfully

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executed the office as the president of the united states. in front of me was the city surrounded by the national gu guard, behind me, capital, twahtwah weeks before it was overrun by a violent mob, i knew then, from the bottom of my heart that i do now, there was no place in america for political violence. non! [ cheering and applause ] you cannot essay you love your country only when you win! [ cheering and applause ] in that moment i was looking to the past, i was looking to the future. i spoke, the moment we had to

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meet, the words i told you then, the winter of peril and possibility, in the group a once in a century pandemic. historic joblessness. call for justice long overdue. and a threat to our very democracy. [ speaking alternate language ] we love joe! >> we love joe! >> president biden: and yet, i believe then and i believe now, that a progress was and is possible. just as is achievable, and our

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best days are not behind us, they are before us. [ cheering ] now it's somewhere, the winter has passed, and a grateful heart i stand before you now, on this august night to report that democracy has prevailed! [ cheering and applause ] democracy, democracy has delivered it! and now democracy must be preserved! troop laws. [ cheering and applause ] [ cheering ] you have heard me say it before, we are facing get an inflection point, one of those rare moments in history where decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world for

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decades to come, is not a hyperbole i mean it literally. were in the bottle for the very soul of america. running for president in 2020 because what i saw in charlottesville, in the august of 2017, extremists! coming out of the woods! carrying torches! their veins it all drink from their next, carrying nazis swastikas, chanting at the same anti-semitic vial heard in germany in the early thirties. neo-nazis, white supremacist, and the kkk. so emboldened by president down at the white house that they saw as an ally, they did not even bother to wear their hoods. eight was on the march in america. -- hate.

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old ghosts in new garments stirring up the oldest divisions, stroking the old spears, giving oxygen to the oldest forces that they long sought to tear apart america. in the process a young woman was killed. and on contact asked the mother what happened, she told me, when the president was asked what you thought had happened, trump said in a quote, "there were very fine people on both sides". my god! that is what he said! that is what he said and what he meant. [ booing ] that is what i realized, i could not do stay on the sidelines! so i ran! [ cheering and applause ]

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no intentions of running again, i just lost part of my soul. but i ran under deep conviction, and marek rocak i know and believe it, in america where it honestly, a decency, still matter! and america, where everybody has a fair shot and hate has no safe harbor! [ cheering and applause ] america, and nation were all of us created equal is still very much alive. into the broader coalition of americans joined with me, 81 million voters voted for us! [ cheering ] more than any time in all of history! because of all of you in this

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room and others, we came together in 2022 save democracy! [ cheering ] as your president, have been determined to keep america moving forward, not going back. to stand against hate and violence in all its forms, to be a nation where we not only live but thrive on diversity. demonizing the nobody! leaving nobody behind! and becoming a nation that we profess to be. [ cheering ] i also ran to rebuild the backbone of america, the middle class! [ cheering and applause ] and made a commitment to you that i would be a president for

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all americans, whether you voted for me or not. we have done that. studies show, major bills we have past delivered more to read to states than blue. it was a job over the presidents to deliver to all american -- americans! [ cheering and applause ] because of you, and i'm not exaggerating, because of you, it's been one of the most extraordinary four years of progress ever, period. [ cheering ] and when i say we, i mean kamala harris and we. think about a. covid-19 no longer controls our lives! we have gone. and i'm a crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world. 16 million new jobs, record

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small business growth, record high stock market, record high 401 k., wages is up, inflation continuing to go down! [ cheering and applause ] the smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years, and yes, we both know we have more to do. but we are moving in the right direction. there is more peace of mind, more americans have health insurance today than ever before in american history. [ cheering and applause ] and as a younger senator beginning to fight, fighting for 50 years to get medicare, drop drug prices, we finally beat big

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pharma! [ cheering and applause ] and guess who cashed -- cast the tie-breaking vote, vice president soon to be president, kamala harris! [ cheering and applause ] and now it is the law of the land, instead of paying $400 month for diabetes, you will pay $35 a month. the law we passed already includes starting in january, every senior total prescription cost can be capped at $2000 no matter how expensive the drugs they have! [ cheering and applause ] we don't focus on, are well republican friends don't seem to understand, it's not just saving seniors money, they save the american taxpayers money! troop laws saving $160 billion

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over the next decade, does not a hyperbole, is because medicare no longer has to pay those prices. to big pharma. look -- >> thank you joe! >> president biden: thank you kamala harris as well. look, folks, how can we have the strongest economy in the world of without the best infrastructure in the world? donald trump promised infrastructure every week for four years. [ laughter ] and you never built a damn th thing. [ cheering and applause ] and now because of what it kamala harris and i have a down,

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remember we were told we could not get it down, he could not get anything past? right now we are giving america infrastructure decade, not weak. modernizing. our airports, or trains, our busses. every child can drink clean water. providing affordable, high-speed internet, no matter where they live with. electricity. and so much more! we are united country, we're building our economy. we are improving our quality of life and we are building a better america! [ cheering and applause ] that is who we are!

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the strongest nation in the world, how could we be without leading the world in science and technology? after years of appointing 90 percent of our semiconductor chips from a broader, at which americans invented those chips, our chips and signs act, now investing literally tens of billions of dollars to build new chip factories right here in america. [ cheering and applause ] grading tens of thousands of jobs, main eight of those jobs, building that make the chips, are being constructed now. and guess what, the average salary, size of a football field, will be over a hundred thousand dollars a year, in a don't need a college degree! [ cheering and applause ]

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because of you, and is that many elected -- elected out there, in macon manufacturing is back, who said we could not lead to the world in manufacturing? 8000 new manufacturing jobs! [ cheering ] our republican friends and others made assuredly go abroad to get cheapest labor, we now export american problems and create american jobs! [ cheering ] right here in america! where jobs belong. with every new job, with every new factory, pride and hope is being brought back to communities throughout the country that was left behind, you know what it's like when

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that factory closed where you're mother, your father or grandfather worked, and now you are back providing once again, wall street did not build america, the middle class build america, and unions that built the middle class! [ cheering and applause ] it's been my view since it came into senates. that is why i am proud to be the first president to walk the picket line. [ cheering and applause ] and be labeled as the most prounion and president in history and i accepted, it's a fact. [ cheering and applause ] when unions do well, we all do well! [ cheering and applause ]

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you glided mad. -- >> everyone: union and joe! union joe! >> president biden: i agree and i'm proud of your we were told we could not get anything done in congress, that was your support we passed the most significant glamor law in the history of mankind. [ cheering and applause ] $370 billion, cutting carbon emissions in half by 2030. launching a climate core, similar to the peace corps, grading tens of thousands of jobs for the younger people in the future who will make sure this will continue. coding hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for

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american workers, installing the 500,000! 500,000 charging stations. all across america. and in the process, reducing carbon emissions, and we are seeing it racing the first beneficiaries are to those funds line communities that have been smothered by the legacy of pollution, louisiana, delaware. all factories, all those chemical factories are next to poorest neighborhoods. the art of the ones going to bring her back! [ cheering and applause ] and how? the greatest nation in the world without the best education system in the world?

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[ cheering and applause ] donald trump and republican friends can't -- can't read very well. [ laughter ] it seriously think about it. look at their project 2025 it. boo. [ booing ] the pandemic, kamala help to station cities and schools to get back over and, would give public school teachers a raise! we created businesses and communities, putting students on a path for good things whether or not they go to college. and by the way, we made college a lot more affordable. [ cheering and applause ] increasing progress. over $15 billion used! [ cheering and applause ]

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including hispanic institutions. we kept our commitment to provide more student relief than ever, lifting the burden of helping millions of families they can get a married, start a family, and begin building family wealth and grow our economy. it is not costing us, it is creating more wells. we fundamentally trends -- transformed our economies, from the middle out in the bottom up instead of the top down. you know... my dad said it does not take a lot to drop down on the kitchen table, come from a basic middle-class family, three bedroom house, decent neighborhood. never a penny to spare. and look, that top-down notion

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never worked. a lot of democrats thought it worked but it does not. and when we get all that, would we have down, everybody can do well. everybody! [ cheering ] trump calls america a failing donation. [ booing ] think about this! think about this... republicans say, i will say something outrageous, i know more by their first names, just because i'm so damn old. [ laughter ] i'm not joking... the message he sends around the world, when he talks about american dieng a failing a nation, says we are losing, he is a loser!

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he is dead wrong! [ cheering and applause ] many of you a very people that have traveled the world. name a country in the world that does not think we are the leading nation in the world. without america, not a joke think about it, i'm being literal, who can lead to the other than the united states of america? guess what? america is a winning! in the world is better off for it! america's more prosperous, paper today and under donald trump. trump continues to lie about a crime america like everything else. guess what. on his watch, the murder rate went up 30 percent, the biggest increase in history. meanwhile, made of the largest investment, kamala and i am public safety ever. now, the murder rate is falling faster than any time in history.

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find a crime has dropped to the lowest level in more than 50 years. cry will keep coming down, will be put up prosecutor in the oval office instead of a convicted felon. [ cheering and applause ] and folks, the same senator from california and i, with the first ban on assault weapons. [ cheering ] and guess what, good works. if we care what public safety, would need to prevent gun violence. it makes me ashamed when i travel the world, which i do, more children in america are killed by a gunshot than any other cause in the united st

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states. more die from a bullet in ca cancer, anything else, and the united states of america, my god! that is what kamala harris and i are proud we passed the first bipartisan gun safety law in 30 years. [ cheering ] i'm serious. and now it's time to ban assault weapons again! [ cheering and applause ] and demand universal background checks. it is hard and never thought i would stand in front of a crowd of democrats, and therefore as a former president is a live pig

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it's not funny, inside. trump continues to live out of the border. he is what he won't tell you. trump killed the strongest bipartisan border deal in the history of the united states. , that we negotiated, it took four months and four weeks pick once it passed, with -- he called senators to say don't support of the bipartisan bill, he said it would help me politically and heard him politically. my god. mysterious, think about it, not a joke. deltell you that true. typically trump, once again, putting himself first and america last. that i had to take executive action, the result, -- in fact

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there are fewer border crossings today than when donald trump left office! and unlike trump, we will not demonize immigrants. saying they are the poison of the blood of america, poisoned the blood of our country. kamala and i are committed to stop illegal immigration and protecting dreamers and more! [ cheering and applause ] and here's what else i believe in. protecting your freedom! your freedom to vote! your freedom to love who you love! [ cheering and applause ] and your freedom to choose. [ cheering and applause ]

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its decision to overturn roe v. wade as you heard early into the night, of the united states supreme court majority wrote the following, "women are now without a political power". no kidding. maga republicans found out the power a woman in 2022. and donald trump will find out with the power of woman in 2024! [ cheering ] watch! and when trump and the maga republican right wingers seek

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erase history, we democrats continue to history and make more history. i am proud! i'm proud to have kept my commitment to a part of the first black woman in the united states supreme court's! [ cheering and applause ] brown jackson, the symbol for every young woman in america that you can do anything to pick i am proud but have kept my commitment to have a the united states it looks like america. the most diverse cabinet in history, including the first black woman a south asian descent to serve as vice president! [ cheering and applause ] and will soon serve as a 47th president of the united states! trip laws. ee

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Gutfeld looks at the news of the day through a satiric lens fused with pop culture and features refreshing takes on the day's top headlines from FNC personalities, authors, politicians, veterans and comedians.

America 25, Us 19, Joe Biden 17, Kamala Harris 15, Biden 11, Donald Trump 8, Joe 6, Jill Biden 6, Delaware 6, Kamala 4, United States 4, Trump 3, Hunter 3, Jill 3, U.s. 2, Ashley 2, Chris Koons 2, San Francisco 2, Gaza 2, Alexander 1
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Article information

Author: Greg O'Connell

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.