Section 4.1 - Athletics (2024)

NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association Handbook

Amended 2023

4.1 Athletics - NSWCHSSA Championship

4.1.1 Age sections

(a) The NSWCHSSA Athletics Championship are conducted in the following age categories:

Able Bodied 12 Years 13 Years 14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17 + Years

Multi-Class 15 years and under 16 years and over

An athlete’s age category is determined by the age they turn in the year of the Championship.

(b) Athletes must compete in their own age section except:

(i) Where no event is provided in that age category. In this case competition is at the next available age category. Athletes wishing to use heavier implements should also consult the rule concerning implement weights. For the purpose of this rule the walk, hurdles and 3000 metres are classified as one event.

(ii) In relays where athletes may compete in one relay event only in their or older age category.

4.1.2 Events and specifications

(a) Current championship events and specifications.

(b) Events in the Pentathlon shall be as follows:

Boys: 100m, 1500m, Long Jump, Shot Put and Javelin.

Girls: 200m, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump and Shot Put.

(c) The following events will be conducted for Multi Class: 100m, 200m, 800m, Discus, Javelin, Shot Put and Long Jump.

4.1.3 Athlete nominations

(a) Track events

(i) Associations may nominate two athletes per event irrespective of times.

(ii) Up to three athletes may be nominated per event, provided qualifying standards are met by all three athletes. Each association may enter three 4 x 100m relay teams provided all three teams have achieved the qualifying standard.

(iii) One 4 x 400m and one 4 x 200m relay team may be nominated per association (4 x
400m boys and girls 17 + Years, 4 x 200m boys and girls 15 years and under)

(iv) In events listed as straight finals, all athletes must qualify at zone and association fixtures in the current year. Up to three athletes may be nominated provided qualifying standards are met.

(v) In the 2000m steeplechase, a maximum of three athletes only per association may be nominated.

(vi) In 4 x 100m relay events, schools are permitted to enter up to a maximum of two teams per event, provided they have qualified in accordance with the NSWCHSSA rules of entry. In the situation where the school has two teams which qualify for a particular event, each team must remain independent of each other without any transfer of personnel for the duration of the championship.

(vii) are based on the performance of the 8th placed qualifier or 6th placed finalist, whichever is superior, from the event conducted at the previous year’s championship.

(b) Field events

(i) Associations may nominate two athletes per event irrespective of performances

(ii) Up to three athletes may be nominated per event, provided qualifying standards are met by all three athletes.

(iii) are based on the performance of the 8th placed qualifier or 6th placed finalist, whichever is superior, from the event conducted at the previous year’s championship.

(c) are based on the Athletics Australia baseline performance data and the performance must be 50% or better of the stated standard for that event.

(d) Multi-class classification

All athletes competing in multi-class events must have current classification documentation (national, provisional or review status) for their disability category prior to being nominated to compete at the championship.

(e) Invitation events

There are no invitation events at the championship, all athletes must qualify in accordance with Rule 4.1.3 a) and b).

(f) Performances

The performances nominated for qualification must have been achieved at zone or association trials in the current year.

(g) Nominations

Nominations will only be received on the HYTEC Meet Manager database file supplied by the association to the championship computer coordinator and must include the school, date of birth and performance for each nominated athlete in each event, including all athletes participating in school teams for 4 X 100m relay teams.

(h) Closing date

(i) The closing date for nominations is as per the request of the NSWCHSSA Athletics convener.

(ii) The nominations of each association should be sent electronically to the state convener, NSWCHSSA Executive Officer and championship computer coordinator by the stipulated closing date.

4.1.4 Limitation of events

(a) Number of events

Athletes may enter unlimited events, but no events will be delayed for athletes competing in
events running simultaneously (WA Rules will apply).

(b) Delays

Athletes competing in multiple events may forfeit any round missed in field events unless the appropriate field referee (jumps or throws) is satisfied program delays were responsible for any such miss. In the case of high jump events, re-entry shall be at the existing bar height. In all cases, re-entry is at the discretion of the appropriate field referee.

4.1.5 Program of events

The draft program of events will be submitted each year following the athletics
championship by the NSWCHSSA Athletics Convener for approval. The final program of
events will be published on the appropriate NSWCHSSA event by the start of the school year.

4.1.6 Ground conduct

(a) Ground entry

All athletes and spectators are to enter the venue (Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre) via the main entrance on Edwin Flack Avenue.

(b) Ground seating

Seating shall be in prescribed areas. Each association will be allocated a seating bay in the grandstand, which will be published in the official championship program. The NSWCHSSA Athletics convener will assign seating bays on a rotational basis each year. Parents, coaches and spectators are specifically barred from entering the competition area.

(c) Call room

(i) All athletes shall report to the call room (located on the embankment behind the 1500m start line) on or before the published marshalling time.

(ii) There will be no call for events over the ground microphone; all marshalling times are published in the official program.

(iii) Discus, javelin and high jump events are marshalled 50 minutes prior to the published event starting time. An event official will escort athletes to the event no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

(iv) Long jump, triple jump and shot put events are marshalled forty (40) minutes prior to the published event starting time. An event official will escort athletes to the event no later than twenty (20) minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

(v) All track events are marshalled twenty (20) minutes prior to the published event starting time.

(vi) All multi-class events are marshalled thirty (30) minutes prior to the published event starting time.

(vii) If an athlete is competing in another event and a new event is scheduled for marshalling, it is the athlete’s responsibility to arrange for a substitute to report to the call room on their behalf.

(viii) Once the call room chief has closed the marshalling of an event, athletes will be escorted to the competition area under the supervision of a call room official.

(ix) Failure to report to the call room shall lead to disqualification.

(d) Warm-up track

(i) The warm-up track will be supervised daily from 8.00am by two association team managers at all times, as rostered by the state convener.

(ii) The warm-up track area is to be used strictly for warming-up and cooling-down for events by competing athletes.

(iii) No athletes or spectators are to engage in any ball-games at the warm-up track at any time.

(iv) Supervising team managers are not responsible for ensuring athletes report to the call room on time.

(v) All athletes warming-up for throws events must be supervised by a coach or team manager if they intend on using implements. Coaches and team managers must carefully monitor the practice throws at all times.

(vi) The high jump bar is not to be used at any time at the warm-up track.

(vii) Serious breaches of this rule may lead to instant dismissal from fixtures in all events and where possible exclusion from the championship and return to school may be ordered.

(e) Pre-event warm-ups

Under no circ*mstances are high-jump bags, throwing implements and jumping pits to be used for warm-up, practice throws or any other purpose without the express permission of the appropriate field referee (jumps or throws). Serious breaches of this rule may lead to instant dismissal from fixtures in all events and where possible exclusion from the championship and return to school may be ordered.

(f) Competition area

Athletes are only to access their event location within the competition area when escorted from the call room by the designated call room official. Under no circ*mstances are athletes to cross the in-field area or the arena.

(g) Post event

(i) Athletes should leave the competition area immediately upon the completion of their event. They must not cross the in-field area of the arena or cross the track unnecessarily in their departure.

(ii) Those athletes placing on the podium (1st/2nd/3rd) following the completion of the final for their event, must report to the presentation area (located at the entrance to the tunnel near the finish line) and report to the post event control coordinator.

4.1.7 Lane draw

(a) For all events between 100 metres and 800 metres inclusive (including hurdle and relay events), lane draws shall be drawn as follows:

(i) In the first round the lane order shall be drawn by lot

(ii) For the final, athletes shall be ranked in accordance with their positions and times in the previous round (see IAAF Rule 166.4).

(b) For all events 1500 metres or higher (including walks), positions on the starting line will be drawn by lot. When such events contain large fields, the track referee in consultation with the chief starter may opt for a split start to maintain athlete safety.

4.1.8 Finalists

(a) Track – 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 4x100m relays and hurdles

(i) 2 Heats: First three (3) in each heat plus the next fastest others.

(ii) 3 Heats: First two (2) in each heat plus the next fastest others.

(iii) 4 Heats: Heat winners plus next fastest others.

(iv) 5 Heats: Heat winners plus next fastest others.

(v) If there are insufficient entries to create two heats, following the close of marshalling for that track event, the call room chief, in conjunction with the track referee and chief starter may deem the event a straight final.

(b) Field – long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus and javelin

(i) From the start of competition, all athletes may have three (3) attempts at their event. Athletes may join the competition in rounds two (2) and three (3) if they arrive late (provided they have passed through the call room), but once the finalists have been ascertained, they cannot be included in the competition.

(ii) Only one attempt is allowed each round.

(iii) The leading eight (8) athletes may have three (3) more attempts. All rounds will be recorded for count-back purposes.

(iv) Athletes may not join the competition after the third height progression.

4.1.9 Point score

Eight (8) points for 1st, then seven (7), six (6), five (5), four (4), three (3), two (2), one (1). In
relays, points will be doubled. Ties shall stand, except for 1st place (subject to normal count
back rules). In the event of a tie in high jump WA rules shall apply to decide first place. There
will be no jump off for first place.

4.1.10 Protests

(a) A verbal warning of an impending protest should be given to the appropriate referee (track, jumps or throws) immediately by the athlete or team manager.

(b) A written protest shall be handed to the technical delegate within thirty (30) minutes of the official result for the event concerned being announced. Written protests shall only be received from a team manager on the appropriate form supplied by the NSWCHSSA Athletics convener.

(c) The technical delegate will discuss the lodged protest with the appropriate referee.
The referee shall be the sole arbiter on points of the law (as specified in WA and NSWCHSSA
rules) related to the result or conduct of an event. They should consider all available evidence
as necessary. The referee will then make a decision and relate this to the technical delegate.

(d) If the athlete is not satisfied with the referee’s decision there shall be right of appeal to the jury. The athlete should notify their team manager of their intention to appeal, who will in-turn notify the technical delegate.

(e) The jury of appeal shall consist of three (3) members as decided by the state convener. Once a protest is in the hands of the chairperson of the jury of appeal, the protest must be heard. The decision reached by the jury shall be final and will be relayed to the athlete’s team manager via the technical delegate.

4.1.11 Spikes

All athletes in hurdles and high jump events will be required to wear spikes if the track is wet. This is for the safety of all athletes. When worn the maximum length for all track events plus long jump and triple jump is 7mm. For high jump and javelin it is 9mm. All athletes must wear shoes on each foot at all times when competing.

4.1.12 Starting in blocks

All athletes will be required to use starting blocks for all events up to and including 400 metres (including hurdles and relays). This means all competitors must use a crouch start for these events. Only starting blocks provided by the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre are permitted for use.

4.1.13 False starts

12 years, 13 years and pentathlon

(a) Any athlete making a false start will be warned. Only one false start per race shall be allowed without disqualification of the athlete responsible for the false start. Any athlete responsible for further false starts shall be disqualified.

14 years through to 17+ years inclusive

(b) Any athlete responsible for a false start shall be disqualified as per WA rule 16.8.

(c) Any Athlete disqualified under this rule will be given the opportunity to take part in
the re-started race but will not be eligible for a result or a place in subsequent rounds of that

4.1.14 Private implements

May only be used if submitted to the technical manager in the equipment room no later than one (1) hour prior to the event’s starting time and must be placed in the pool for common use. It must be collected from the technical manager at the conclusion of the event.

4.1.15 High jump

The starting height for each age group shall be 10cm below the qualifying standard set for
each year’s championship. At least the first three (3) raises should be 5cm, followed by 3cm
until the final two (2) athletes remain. These athletes may elect to have the bar raised by 2cm
or greater.

4.1.16 Walks

The chief walks judge has the authority to disqualify an athlete in the last 100 metres regardless of them having received previous warnings.

4.1.17 Uniforms/competitors numbers

(a) All athletes shall wear their official association uniform (both top and bottom). Those athletes competing for school teams in 4 x 100 metre relay events may compete in either school or association uniforms but not a combination of both. Changes to association uniforms must be advised at the term two (2) NSWCHSSA council meeting.

(b) (b) All athletes (with the exception of relay competitors) must wear the competitor
number supplied to them by their team manager. Numbers must be secured with four safety
pins to the front of the athlete’s singlet/top (except for high jump, where pinning on the back
is permitted), so the entire number and sponsorship information can be easily read.

(c) Competitors may risk disqualification for failure to abide by rule 4.1.17

4.1.18 Coaching

(a) Parents and coaches are expressly forbidden to enter the competition arena. The competition arena is defined as the actual competition area and marshalling areas inside the fence of the Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre.

(b) Communication between athletes and their coaches during competition must occur in the
designated areas. (WA rule 6.4.1).

(c) Encouragement whilst competing should not be of the kind that distracts other athletes.

4.1.19 Failure to participate

An athlete may be excluded from participation in all further events in the competition, in cases where, he/she qualified in heats for further participation in an event but then failed to participate further. The reason for non-participation in the next round must be presented to the technical delegate for consideration within thirty (30) minutes of the official result being posted to avoid potential sanction.

4.1.20 Records

(a) Where an athlete breaks an existing NSWCHSSA record as published in the event program it will be recognised as a new NSWCHSSA record.

(b) For multi-class where a record did not stand in an athlete's classification and the athlete's performance was better than the acceptable baseline performance percentage for that event, it will be recognised as a new NSWCHSSA record.

Where an athlete's performance, also broke the existing Australian record for that athlete's age and classification it will be recognised as a new NSWCHSSA record.

4.1.21 Trophies and Awards

(a) The Queen Elizabeth Trophy

This is awarded annually to the outstanding athlete (boy or girl) of the championship on the following criteria:

(i) Most records held in the program

(ii) If equal most wins

(iii) If equal most places

(iv) If equal tied

(b) The Queen Elizabeth Trophy (Multi-class)

This is awarded annually to the outstanding multi-class (boy or girl) of the championship on the following criteria:

(i) Most records held in the program

(ii) If equal most wins

(iii) If equal most places

(iv) If equal tied

(c) Outstanding Performance (girl and boy)

Is awarded to the girl and boy with the most outstanding performance(s) as determined by the management committee.

(d) Outstanding Performance by a multi-class athlete

Is awarded to a boy or girl, who classifies as multi-class, with the most outstanding performance as determined by the management committee.

(e) The Wall Trophy (boys) and Dorothy Shackley Trophy (girls):

(i) These are for field events and shall be awarded on the senior implements only (heaviest weights). They are awarded by vote conducted by the management committee, to the competitor with the best individual performance. Decathlon tables or other relevant tables may be used as a guide to assessing relative standards.

(ii) The Colin Smith Trophy is for javelin and shall be awarded on the senior implements only (heaviest weights). It is awarded by vote conducted by the management committee, to the competitor with the best individual performance.

(f) Track Trophies

Track trophies are awarded based on performance:

(i) Mumford Trophy – boys 17+ years 100 metres winner

(ii) Champion of Champions Cup – fastest girls 100 metres run in finals.

(iii) Henry Shield – boys 17+ years 1,500 metres winner

(iv) New South Wales Girls Secondary Schools Sports Association trophy – girls 17+ years 1,500 metres winner.

(g) Association and school trophies:

All trophies for associations and schools shall be awarded on the basis of highest aggregate point score.

(i) The Champion School

Is awarded to the school gaining highest aggregate points.

(ii) The Kippax Cup

Is awarded to the school gaining highest aggregate boys points.

(iii) The Convener’s Cup:

Is awarded to the school gaining highest aggregate girls points.

(iv) The Sports High School Cup:

Is awarded to the Sports High School or school of sporting excellence gaining the highest aggregate points. Schools to be included in this point score are Illawarra Sports High, The Hills Sports High, Hunter Sports High, Narrabeen Sports High, Westfields Sports High, Endeavour Sports High and Matraville Sports High. These schools shall be ineligible for the award of the Champion School.

(v) The SSP Schools Cup:

Is awarded to the School for Specific Purposes gaining the highest aggregate points. These schools shall be ineligible for the award of the Champion School.

(vi) The Larcombe Cup:

Is awarded to the association gaining highest aggregate points.

(vii) The New South Wales Sports Store Cup:

Is awarded to the association gaining highest aggregate boys points.

(viii) The Caro Cup:

Is awarded to the association gaining highest aggregate girls points.

(h) Age Champions:

(i) An age champion will be declared for all six (6) age categories in the program (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17+ years) for both boys and girls, using points outlined in Rule 4.1.9.

(ii) An age champion will be declared for both multi-class age categories in the program (15 years and under and 16+ years) for both boys and girls, using points outlined in Rule 4.1.9.

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Section 4.1 - Athletics (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.