Super Smash Bros. Lawl Of Stupidity (2025)

Super Smash Bros. Lawl Of Stupidity is a really stupid Lawl created by NinetiesKids.


Everything here is in MY opinion, so if you think something here isn't stupid to you, hey that's alright, just don't take any of this seriously, okay? It is a Lawl after all.

This page is very much still in development, and I have no clue when I will finish this, so I might rapidly add or remove some content or information overtime. So keep that in mind.


  • 1 Categories
  • 2 Characters
  • 3 Stages
  • 4 Assist Trophies
  • 5 Background Characters
  • 6 Items
  • 7 The Subspace Army
  • 8 Trivia


This is the list of categories each character, stage, assist trophy, and item belongs to.

Absolute Rage - Franchises that anger me so much that I just wanna beat 'em up.

Adorable Characters - Characters that I find kind of cute or adorable.

Celebrities - Famous people. Yup.

Childhood Favorites - Favorite franchises from my childhood.

Classic Internet - Anything that originated in the good ol' days of the internet.

Creepypasta - Fictional scary stories from the internet.

Dare To Be Stupid - Idiotic characters. By that I mean characters with absolutely zero braincells.

Frutiger Aero - The aesthetic that ran from 2004 to 2013 based on nature, sea life, and futuristic things. It's also my favorite aesthetic too.

MLG - The king and queen of 2010s brainrot.

Newgrounds - The place for all of your fan needs.

Ow The Edge - So dang edgy.

Scary Or Recalled Toys - Toys that are either scary or ended up being recalled.

So Weird - Franchises that are just weird and possibly a little cringe.

Traumatizing - Things that used to traumatize me as a kid or things that traumatize me today.

YouTube Poop - Sentence mixing and mashups galore.


NOTE: I thought about adding some OCs of mine when I get around to make some, so stay tuned for that.

NameFranchiseCategoriesLawl Moveset
9-VoltWarioWareAdorable CharactersHere
Adeleine & RibbonKirbyAdorable CharactersHere
AlexMinecraftChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Ami Onuki & Yumi YoshimuraHi Hi Puffy AmiYumi PilotAdorable CharactersHere
AmitiePuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Amy LeeEvanescenceCelebrities / Classic Internet / Ow The Edge
Amy RoseSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
Angelica PicklesRugrats TheoryCreepypastaHere
AngerInside OutChildhood Favorites
Angry JackSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
AnnaFrozenChildhood FavoritesHere
Annoying OrangeAnnoying OrangeClassic InternetHere
AOSTH Dr. Ivo "Eggman" RobotnikAdventures Of Sonic The HedgehogYouTube PoopHere
AOSTH Miles "Tails" ProwerAdventures Of Sonic The HedgehogYouTube PoopHere
AOSTH Sonic The HedgehogAdventures Of Sonic The HedgehogYouTube PoopHere
Arle NadjaPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
ArzetteArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of CD-i Zelda
asdfguyTomSkaClassic InternetHere
Asriel DreemurrUNDERTALEAdorable CharactersHere
Awesome FaceSomethingAwfulClassic Internet
AxelMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
BacteriaThe BackroomsCreepypasta
BBB Bugs BunnyBugs Bunny BuildersAdorable Characters
BBB Daffy DuckBugs Bunny BuildersAdorable Characters
BBB Lola BunnyBugs Bunny BuildersAdorable Characters
BBB Porky PigBugs Bunny BuildersAdorable Characters
Beast BoyMinecraftClassic Internet
Beavis & Butt-HeadBeavis & Butt-HeadDare To Be Stupid
BeethovenBeethoven's Big BreakSo Weird
Ben DrownedBen Drowned / The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's MaskCreepypasta
Big Dog & Little Dog2 Stupid DogsDare To Be Stupid
Big The CatSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
Billy & MandyThe Grim Adventures Of Billy & MandyDare To Be Stupid
Billy BevilRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites
BitzerShaun The SheepSo Weird
Black SteveMinecraftClassic Internet
Blaze The CatSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
BlueBlue's CluesChildhood FavoritesHere
Blue MarioSuper Mario 64 Big Star SecretClassic InternetHere
BombAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
BombermanBomberman BlastChildhood FavoritesHere
BonziBuddyBonziBuddyClassic InternetHere
Boom Amy RoseSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
Boom Dr. Ivo "Eggman" RobotnikSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
Boom Knuckles The EchidnaSonic BoomAbsolute Rage / Dare To Be Stupid
Boom Miles "Tails" ProwerSonic BoomAbsolute RageHere
Boom Shadow The HedgehogSonic BoomAbsolute Rage / Ow The EdgeHere
Boom Sonic The HedgehogSonic BoomAbsolute RageHere
BoomerThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable CharactersHere
BowserSuper MarioChildhood FavoritesSame moveset from SSBU
BoyfriendFriday Night Funkin'NewgroundsHere
BranchTrollsChildhood Favorites
Bratty & CattyUNDERTALEDare To Be Stupid
BrickThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable CharactersHere
ButchThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable CharactersHere
Butch CatTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute RageHere
ButtersSouth ParkDare To Be Stupid
Cadpig101 Dalmatians: The SeriesChildhood Favorites
Calvin & HobbesCalvin & HobbesChildhood FavoritesHere
Carol TeaFreedom PlanetNewgroundsHere
Cat LuigiSuper Mario 3D WorldChildhood Favorites
Cat MarioSuper Mario 3D WorldChildhood Favorites
Cat PeachSuper Mario 3D WorldChildhood Favorites
Cat ToadSuper Mario 3D WorldChildhood Favorites
CatDogCatDogDare To Be StupidHere
CD-i GanonLink: The Faces Of Evil / Zelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube PoopHere
CD-i ImpaZelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube PoopHere
CD-i LinkLink: The Faces Of Evil / Zelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube PoopHere
CD-i ZeldaLink: The Faces Of Evil / Zelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube PoopHere
CellDragon Ball ZYouTube Poop
Chantel DuBoisMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo Weird
Charles CalvinHenry StickminNewgrounds
Charlie & LolaCharlie & LolaAdorable CharactersHere
Charmy BeeSonic The HedgehogAdorable Characters / Childhood Favorites
CheeseFoster's Home For Imaginary FriendsDare To Be Stupid
Chip & SkipCamp LazloDare To Be Stupid
Chris GriffinFamily GuyDare To Be Stupid
ChuckAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
CielMega Man ZeroOw The Edge
Classic Amy RoseSonic The HedgehogAdorable Characters / Childhood FavoritesHere
Classic Knuckles The EchidnaSonic The HedgehogChildhood Favorites
Classic Miles "Tails" ProwerSonic The HedgehogChildhood Favorites
Classic Sonic The HedgehogSonic The HedgehogChildhood FavoritesHere
ClippyMicrosoft Windows XPClassic InternetHere
ComposerMinecraft: Redstone Specialists Skin PackChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Cookie MonsterSesame StreetChildhood FavoritesHere
Cool Lisa SimpsonThe SimpsonsAdorable CharactersHere
Crazy FrogJamsterClassic InternetHere
Cream The Rabbit & Cheese The ChaoSonic The HedgehogAdorable Characters / Childhood Favorites / Newgrounds
DailArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of CD-i Link
DaimurArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of CD-i Ganon
Dancing BananaPeanut Butter Jelly TimeClassic InternetHere
Dark ArlePuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Dead BartDead BartCreepypasta
Dee DeeDexter's LaboratoryDare To Be StupidHere
Denzel CrockerThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage
Derpy HoovesMy Little Pony: Friendship Is MagicDare To Be StupidHere
Dipper & MabelGravity FallsDare To Be StupidHere & Here
DisgustInside OutChildhood Favorites
DogWordWorldChildhood Favorites
DoryFinding DoryChildhood Favorites
Dr. MarioDr. Mario Online RxChildhood FavoritesSame moveset from SSBU
Dr. OctogonapusThe Lazer CollectionYouTube PoopHere
Dr. RabbitColgateYouTube PoopHere
DuckWordWorldChildhood Favorites
Dudley PuppyT.U.F.F. PuppyDare To Be StupidHere
Duke NodelkiArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of Duke Onkled
Duke OnkledZelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube Poop
EcoloPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
EdEd, Edd 'N' EddyDare To Be StupidHere
EdAll That / Good BurgerChildhood Favorites / Dare To Be StupidHere
EllegaardMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Ellie RoseHenry StickminNewgroundsHere
ElmoSesame StreetChildhood FavoritesHere
ElsaFrozenChildhood FavoritesHere
EmmetThe LEGO MovieChildhood FavoritesHere
Eyeless JackEyeless JackCreepypasta
Fancy PantsFancy PantsNewgroundsHere
FatherPinguChildhood Favorites
FeliPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Finn & JakeAdventure TimeDare To Be Stupid
Frank HeffleyDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute Rage
FearInside OutChildhood Favorites
Fionna & CakeAdventure TimeDare To Be Stupid
FunellaThe Furchester HotelChildhood Favorites
FurgusThe Furchester HotelChildhood Favorites
Fuzzy PuppetFuzzy PuppetCelebrities / Childhood Favorites
GabrielMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
George VolcanoVolvicFrutiger Aero / YouTube PoopHere
GirlfriendFriday Night Funkin'NewgroundsHere
GoofyMickey MouseDare To Be StupidHere
Greg HeffleyDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute RageHere
GroverSesame StreetChildhood FavoritesHere
GummibarJamsterClassic InternetHere
GwonamLink: The Faces Of EvilYouTube PoopHere
HansFrozenChildhood Favorites
Happy AppyHappy AppyCreepypasta
HarryThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Hatsune MikuHatsune MikuFrutiger AeroHere
Hayley & PikachuMy Pokemon RanchChildhood Favorites
HeavyTeam Fortress 2YouTube PoopHere
HefferRocko's Modern LifeDare To Be Stupid
Henry & JuneKaBlam!Adorable CharactersHere
Henry StickminHenry StickminNewgroundsHere
HerobrineHerobrine / MinecraftCreepypastaEcho fighter of Steve
Homer SimpsonThe SimpsonsDare To Be StupidHere
Hotel BowserHotel MarioYouTube PoopHere
Hotel LuigiHotel MarioYouTube PoopHere
Hotel MarioHotel MarioYouTube PoopHere
Hotel Princess ToadstoolHotel MarioYouTube Poop
Hungry PumkinHungry PumkinClassic InternetHere
I. M. MeenI. M. MeenYouTube Poop
Indev SteveMinecraftClassic Internet
IsaacThe Binding Of IsaacNewgrounds
IvorMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
JackFrostMinerJackFrostMiner / MinecraftCelebrities / Childhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Jeff The KillerJeff The KillerCreepypastaHere
JesseMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
John CenaWWECelebrities / MLGHere
Johnny BravoJohnny BravoDare To Be StupidHere
JotThe Plucky SquireAdorable CharactersHere
JoyInside OutChildhood Favorites
Kermit The FrogThe MuppetsMLGHere
K-Fee CarK-FeeClassic Internet
K-Fee ZombieK-FeeClassic InternetHere
Kiki & LalaSanrioAdorable Characters
King HarkinianLink: The Faces Of Evil / Zelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube PoopHere
King RahklinArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of King Harkinian
KlugPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Knuckles The EchidnaSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
KornKornCelebrities / Ow The Edge
KristoffFrozenChildhood Favorites
Laughing JackLaughing JackCreepypastaHere
LazariI Eat Pasta For BreakfastCreepypasta
Leni LoudThe Loud HouseAbsolute Rage / Dare To Be Stupid
Leonidas300YouTube PoopHere
Lightning McQueenCarsChildhood FavoritesHere
LilaSpooky MonthNewgrounds
Linkin ParkLinkin ParkCelebrities / Ow The Edge
Little Dancing GirlLittle Dancing GirlClassic Internet
Lizard Queen Lisa SimpsonThe SimpsonsAdorable Characters
LogdotzipLogdotzip / MinecraftCelebrities / Childhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Lord KiroZelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube Poop
Lucky101 Dalmatians: The SeriesChildhood Favorites
Lucy "Wildstyle"The LEGO MovieChildhood Favorites
Luigi & GuidoCarsChildhood Favorites
LukasMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Luna The MoonLet's Go Luna!Childhood Favorites
MadotsukiYume NikkiClassic InternetHere
MageMiitopiaChildhood Favorites
MagentaBlue's CluesChildhood Favorites
Maggie SimpsonThe SimpsonsAdorable CharactersHere
MagnusMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Mama LuigiSuper Mario WorldYouTube PoopHere
Manny HeffleyDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute RageHere
Mario & LuigiMario & LuigiNewgrounds
MatildaAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
Mayor CovenplateArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of Mayor Cravendish
Mayor CravendishZelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube Poop
M. BisonStreet Fighter: The Animated SeriesYouTube PoopHere
Meat BoySuper Meat BoyNewgrounds
Michael Jackson's GhostMichael Jackson's GhostCelebrities / Classic InternetHere
Michael RosenMichael RosenCelebrities / YouTube PoopHere
MichelangeloTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesDare To Be Stupid
Mickey, Donald, & GoofyMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
MikachuTamagotchiAdorable Characters
Miles "Tails" ProwerSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
Milla BassetFreedom PlanetNewgroundsHere
Milo MurphyMilo Murphy's LawSo Weird
Miracle MachineAlbuquerque: THE MOVIEDare To Be Stupid / Newgrounds
Modern SpongeBob SquarePantsSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / YouTube Poop
MorshuLink: The Faces Of EvilYouTube PoopHere
MortarArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of Morshu
MotherPinguChildhood Favorites
Movie BombThe Angry Birds MovieChildhood Favorites
Movie ChuckThe Angry Birds MovieChildhood Favorites
Movie PigThe Angry Birds MovieChildhood Favorites
Movie RedThe Angry Birds MovieChildhood FavoritesHere
Mr. Bear1999Creepypasta
Mr. TurnerThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute RageHere
Mrs. TurnerThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage
Mushi SanbanCodename: Kids Next DoorAdorable Characters
Newgrounds TankNewgroundsNewgrounds
Nyan CatNyan CatClassic Internet
OlafFrozenChildhood FavoritesHere
OlieRolie Polie OlieChildhood FavoritesHere
OliviaMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Om NelleOm Nom Stories: Super-NomsChildhood Favorites
Om NomOm Nom Stories: Super-NomsChildhood FavoritesHere
Pajama SamPajama SamAdorable CharactersHere
Papa LouiePapa LouieNewgroundsHere
PartygoerThe BackroomsCreepypasta
Patrick StarSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / Dare To Be Stupid / YouTube PoopHere
PenleyAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
Pepe The FrogPepe The FrogMLGHere
Peppa PigPeppa PigMLGHere
PeteMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
Peter GriffinFamily GuyDare To Be Stupid
PetraMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
PhilDespicable Me 2Childhood Favorites
Philip J. FryFuturamaDare To Be Stupid / NewgroundsHere
PhoebeThe Furchester HotelChildhood Favorites
PichuPokemonChildhood FavoritesSame moveset from SSBU
PicoPico's SchoolNewgroundsHere
PingaPinguChildhood Favorites
PinguPinguChildhood FavoritesHere
PinkyPinky & The BrainDare To Be Stupid
PlanktonamorSpongeBob SquarePants: Dunces & DragonsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
PoppyTrollsChildhood FavoritesHere
ProtoProtegentYouTube Poop
QuaxlyPokemonAdorable Characters
RabbidRabbidsDare To Be Stupid
Ralph WiggumThe SimpsonsDare To Be Stupid
RanaMinecraftAdorable Characters / Classic Internet
Rap RatRap RatCreepypasta
RawrMinecraft: Super Cute Texture PackChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
RedAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
RedNES Godzilla CreepypastaCreepypastaHere
Red Mist SquidwardSquidward's SuicideCreepypasta
Regan MacNeilThe ExorcistClassic InternetHere
Ren Hoek & Stimpson J. "Stimpy" CatThe Ren & Stimpy ShowDare To Be Stupid
ReubenMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood Favorites
Richard BairosLittle CaesarsCelebrities / So Weird
Richard WattersonThe Amazing World Of GumballDare To Be StupidHere
Rick AstleyRick AstleyCelebrities / Classic InternetHere
Ringo AndoPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Robbie RottenLazyTownClassic InternetHere
Rocket J. "Rocky" Squirrel & Bullwinkle The MooseThe Adventures Of Rocky & BullwinkleDare To Be StupidHere
Rodrick HeffleyDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute RageHere
Rolly101 Dalmatians: The SeriesChildhood Favorites
Ronald McDonaldMcDonald'sYouTube PoopHere
RositaSesame StreetChildhood Favorites
Rouge The BatSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
Rowley JeffersonDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute RageHere
RoverMicrosoft Windows XPClassic Internet
RudySesame StreetChildhood Favorites
SadnessInside OutChildhood Favorites
Sally WillaimsSally WillaimsCreepypasta
Sanic HegehogSanic HegehogMLGHere
Sara BynoeBooking.comCelebrities / So Weird
Sash LilacFreedom PlanetNewgroundsHere
Scary MomoThe Momo ChallengeCreepypasta
ScoutTeam Fortress 2YouTube PoopHere
Scratch & GrounderAdventures Of Sonic The HedgehogYouTube PoopHere
Shadow The HedgehogSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds / Ow The Edge
Shaun The SheepShaun The SheepSo WeirdHere
SheenJimmy Neutron: Boy GeniusDare To Be StupidHere
SigPuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
Silver The HedgehogSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds
Sir SpongeBobSpongeBob SquarePants: Dunces & DragonsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube PoopEcho fighter of SpongeBob SquarePants
Skid & PumpSpooky MonthNewgroundsHere
Skolka & PolkaMinecraft / PloopChannelChildhood Favorites
SkooksThe Misadventures Of SkooksYouTube PoopHere
Slender ManSlender ManCreepypastaHere
Smile DogSmile DogCreepypasta
SMW LuigiSuper Mario WorldNewgrounds
SMW MarioSuper Mario WorldNewgrounds
Snoop DoggSnoop DogCelebrities / MLG
Sonic The HedgehogSonic The HedgehogNewgroundsSame moveset from SSBU
SoosGravity FallsDare To Be StupidHere
SorenMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
Spike BulldogTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
SpongeBob SquarePantsSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube PoopHere
Spot101 Dalmatians: The SeriesChildhood Favorites
SpotRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites
Squidward TentaclesSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube PoopHere
StampyMinecraft / StampylongnoseCelebrities / Childhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Steve
StellaAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
SteveMinecraftChildhood FavoritesSame moveset from SSBU
Sticks The BadgerSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
Susan HeffleyDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute Rage
Susumu & PuchiMr. DrillerChildhood Favorites
SvenFrozenChildhood Favorites
Tails DollSonic RCreepypastaHere
Team RocketPokemonDare To Be Stupid
TeePuyo PuyoAdorable CharactersHere
TerenceAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
TGS ArleneThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
TGS GarfieldThe Garfield ShowAbsolute RageHere
TGS Jon ArbuckleThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
TGS NermalThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
TGS OdieThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
TGS SqueakThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
The DuckThe Duck SongClassic Internet
The FarmerShaun The SheepSo WeirdHere
The GrinchDr. Seuss' The GrinchChildhood FavoritesHere
The KingCaptainSparklez / MinecraftClassic InternetEcho fighter of Steve
The LoraxDr. Seuss' The LoraxChildhood Favorites
ThrashThe Plucky SquireAdorable Characters
Timmy Turner, Cosmo, & WandaThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage / Dare To Be StupidHere
Timon & PumbaaThe Lion KingDare To Be StupidHere
Tina RussoThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
TLTS Bugs BunnyThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
TLTS Daffy DuckThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
TLTS Lola BunnyThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
TLTS Porky PigThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
Tom & Jerry TalesTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute RageHere
Tow MaterCarsChildhood Favorites
TowelieSouth ParkDare To Be Stupid
TweetyBugs Bunny BuildersAdorable Characters
TwisterRocket PowerDare To Be Stupid
Tyrannosaurus AlanVolvicFrutiger Aero / YouTube PoopHere
Ugandan KnucklesUgandan KnucklesMLGHere
Ultra Instinct ShaggyThe Misadventures Of SkooksYouTube PoopHere
Uncle GrandpaUncle GrandpaDare To Be StupidHere
VegetaDragon Ball ZYouTube PoopHere
Victim #1MARIOCreepypasta
VillagerAnimal Crossing: City FolkChildhood FavoritesSame moveset from SSBU
VillageretteAnimal Crossing: City FolkChildhood FavoritesEcho fighter of Villager
VioletThe Plucky SquireAdorable Characters
WaffleCatscratchDare To Be Stupid
WeegeeMario Is Missing!YouTube PoopHere
"Weird Al" Yankovic"Weird Al" YankovicCelebrities / Dare To Be StupidHere
WhyattSuper Why!YouTube Poop
WogramArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube PoopEcho fighter of Gwonam
X KnucklesSonic XYouTube PoopHere
Yakko, Wakko, & DotAnimaniacsDare To Be Stupid
ZeroMega Man ZeroOw The EdgeHere
Zim & GIRInvader ZimDare To Be StupidHere & Here
ZowieRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites


NameFranchiseCategoriesStage DescriptionStage Hazards
4chan4chanClassic Internet
10 Years Of MinecraftMinecraftChildhood Favorites
12 Surrey StreetDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute Rage
14 YearstruthorangeSo WeirdYou fight on a flat floor with a birthday cake right in the middle with two three floating platforms.
A Year Without RainSelena Gomez & The SceneSo Weird
Abra-Ca-BaconAngry Birds SeasonsChildhood FavoritesHas the same layout as the Rivals of Aether stage.
AlbuquerqueAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgrounds
Alice Through The Looking GlassAlice Through The Looking GlassChildhood Favorites
Amazon FreetimeAmazon.comChildhood Favorites
Amazon MusicAmazon.comChildhood Favorites
Angry Jack's Shell EmporiumSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
Animal CrossingAnimal Crossing: City FolkChildhood Favorites
Animal Rescue CenterGo, Diego, Go!Childhood Favorites
AnvilleDr. Seuss' The Cat In The HatSo Weird
Arbuckle HouseThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
BattlefieldSuper Smash FlashNewgrounds
Bay View MallKickin' ItAbsolute Rage
Bugs & Daffy's HouseThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
Burning BuildingLEGO City: Great Paws Of FireSo Weird
Camp KikiwakaBunk'dAbsolute Rage
Camp SplinterwoodAngry Birds: Summer MadnessSo Weird
CasinoMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo Weird
Chess TitansMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Christmas With The HecksThe MiddleSo Weird
Circus ZaragozaMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo Weird
Cloud 9 SuperstoreCloud 9 SuperstoreSo Weird
Crossy RoadCrossy RoadChildhood Favorites
Cruise ShipTimon & PumbaaChildhood Favorites
Curious George Goes To TownUniversal Studios FloridaChildhood Favorites
Danville SubwayMilo Murphy's LawSo Weird
Dearly Farm101 Dalmatians: The SeriesChildhood Favorites
DesertMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood Favorites
DinerPound PuppiesChildhood Favorites
Disney California AdventureDisney California AdventureChildhood Favorites
Donimo's PizzaDomino'sSo WeirdYou fight out on the parking lot of a Domino's Pizza.The Domino's Pizza sign will randomly spark and blow up and crash onto the stage. Then another sign gets put up, thus the hazard randomly happening again.
Dragon World FortressImaginextChildhood Favorites
Dream LandKirby / Super Smash FlashNewgrounds
Dr. Panda's Restaurant 2Dr. Panda's Restaurant 2Childhood Favorites
Duncan HouseGood Luck CharlieAbsolute Rage
El Macho's LairDespicable Me 2Childhood Favorites
ElevatorNinjagoSo Weird
Emerald Hill ZoneSonic The Hedgehog / Super Smash FlashNewgrounds
Emerald Hill Zone XLSonic 2 XLSo Weird
Enchancia CastleSofia The FirstSo Weird
EnderConMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood Favorites
Fallen KingdomCaptainSparklez / MinecraftClassic Internet
Fancy RestaurantMickey MouseAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites
FaramoreArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube Poop
Festive Mash-Up WorldMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Final DestinationSuper Smash FlashNewgrounds
Fisher-Price Dream Dollhouse 6364Fisher-PriceChildhood Favorites
Fort SquidwardSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
FreeCellMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Game Boy ColorNintendoChildhood Favorites
Garbage BoatChip 'N' Dale: Rescue RangersChildhood Favorites
Geauga LakeGeauga LakeChildhood Favorites
Ghost CarK-FeeClassic InternetYou fight on top of the driving ghost car with a nice scenery in the background.The K-Fee zombie will randomly jump out on either the left or right side of the background without warning and stuns the players that lasts for a short time.
Ghost Caught On TapeGhost Caught On TapeClassic Internet
Good BurgerAll That / Good BurgerChildhood Favorites
Gorilla MountainImaginextChildhood Favorites
Green Trill ZoneSanic HegehogMLGYou fight at a poorly drawn Green Hill Zone.
Gru's HouseDespicable MeChildhood Favorites
HeartsMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Hello BirdieThe Ruff Ruffman ShowChildhood Favorites
Hold 'EmMicrosoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
HotelMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdThe penguins will jump onto the stage and pillow fight in the middle of the match. Phil will also throw a TV across the stage and out the window.
HouseyRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites
Ice CreamtruthorangeSo Weird
Ice LakeOne Christmas Eve (2014)So WeirdYou fight on an ice lake and on top of a car sinking into the ice.Once the car is fully sinked into the ice, at a random moment, another car comes rolling down into the ice lake, and any player who doesn't get out of way quick will be bashed by the car.
In Between DreamsJack JohnsonChildhood Favorites
InkBallMicrosoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
InnoTabVtechChildhood Favorites
IslandZig & SharkoSo Weird
Jerry's Bait ShopAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgrounds
Jesse's TreehouseMinecraft: Story ModeChildhood Favorites
Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon BlastUniversal Studios FloridaChildhood Favorites
Kiddieland Amusement ParkKiddieland Amusement ParkChildhood Favorites
KikiaKikiaClassic Internet
KindergartenBooking.comSo Weird
Kool-Aid Man On ProgressiveKool-Aid / ProgressiveSo WeirdYou fight in a plain ol' white living room.At a random moment, the Kool-Aid Man will bash through the wall, with the crumbling pieces crumbling onto the stage. The Kool-Aid Man then leaves the house and the wall gets rebuilt, thus the hazard randomly happening again.
Krusty Krab CastleImaginext / SpongeBob SquarePants: Dunces & DragonsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
Large Mysterious Fish Eats A DuckLarge Mysterious Fish Eats A DuckClassic Internet
Lavender TownLavender Town Syndrome / PokemonCreepypasta
LEGO Ferris WheelLEGO Creator ExpertChildhood Favorites
LighthouseMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood Favorites
LimeWireLimeWireClassic InternetYou fight on the infamous media pirating website.Punching a file in the background will "download" it but punching a .exe file will not only try to "download" it but also cause the entire stage to start glitching out and changing the stage layout. Not only that, but the stage also gets infected with viruses, in which the viruses can punch players. After all that, the stage then goes to a BSOD and reverts back to the original layout.
Little CaesarsLittle CaesarsSo Weird
Little Girl's MansionGarfield & FriendsChildhood Favorites
Living RoomFamily Guy / GoAnimateClassic Internet
Luxury Assault Recreational VehicleMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdYou fight on top of the van while the animals are driving it.Chantel DuBois chases the van and uses various weapons to shoot at the van. She'll eventually jump onto the van starts punching players but then leaves the stage after the animals go into hyperdrive.
Mahjong TitansMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Mall Of AmericaMall Of AmericaChildhood Favorites
Mama Meany's Pizza PalaceThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Marcus HouseBest Friends WheneverAbsolute Rage
Mario CombatMario CombatNewgrounds
MarsCalvin & HobbesChildhood Favorites
Mega CityThe BackyardigansFrutiger Aero
Mickey Mouse ClubhouseMickey Mouse ClubhouseSo Weird
Mickey Mouse's HouseMickey Mouse (2013)Absolute Rage
Millennium FalconStar WarsChildhood Favorites
Minecraft Alpha 1.0.16_02Herobrine / MinecraftCreepypasta
Minecraft UniverseEric Fullerton / MinecraftChildhood FavoritesYou fight on the Moon built in Minecraft with the Earth seen in the background (NOT from the Vote Update).
Minecraft - Volume AlphaC418 / MinecraftChildhood Favorites
Minecraft - Volume BetaC418 / MinecraftChildhood Favorites
MinesweeperMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Mont-Saint-MichelMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
Movie StudioBeethoven's Big BreakSo Weird
Mrs. Two-Shoes' HouseTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
Murphy HouseMilo Murphy's LawSo Weird
Mushroom KingdomHotel MarioYouTube Poop
Mushroom Kingdom IISuper Mario Bros. 2 / Super Smash FlashNewgrounds
Musketeers BuildingMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird / PokemonClassic Internet
NabiNabiChildhood Favorites
Nabi Jr.NabiChildhood Favorites
Nara DreamlandNara DreamlandChildhood Favorites
Nickelodeon StudiosUniversal Studios FloridaChildhood Favorites
Ninjago CityNinjagoSo Weird
Oggy's HouseOggy & The CockroachesSo Weird
Opera HouseMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
Os TrlyaCalvin & Hobbes / MinecraftChildhood FavoritesSince how Australia was never seen in Calvin & Hobbes, the stage is literally the Taiga biome from Minecraft.
Paradise MallDespicable Me 2Childhood Favorites
Pat Pat RocketLittle EinsteinsChildhood Favorites
PAX South 2015 ChallengeMinecraft / PAX SouthChildhood Favorites
PC-8000PC-8000Childhood Favorites
Peach's CastleSuper Mario 64 / Super Smash FlashNewgrounds
Peach's Castle 63Super Mario 63Newgrounds
Peach's Castle 64Super Mario 64 Big Star SecretClassic Internet
Pete's Secret LairMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
Pico's SchoolPico's SchoolNewgrounds
Pig HousePeppa PigMLG
Pineapple FeverSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
Pingu's IglooPinguChildhood Favorites
Pirate ShipImaginextChildhood Favorites
Pizzariba!The Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
Player HouseAnimal Crossing: City FolkChildhood Favorites
Playhouse DisneyPlayhouse DisneyChildhood Favorites
Playmobil FunParkPlaymobil FunParkChildhood Favorites
PlaypenRugratsSo Weird
PlayStation 2PlayStationClassic Internet
Pokemon StadiumPokemon / Super Smash FlashNewgrounds
PonyvilleMy Little Pony: Friendship Is MagicSo Weird
PrisonThe Looney Tunes ShowChildhood Favorites
Purble PlaceMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Queens ComfortQueens Comfort / Sesame StreetChildhood Favorites
Radiator SpringsCarsChildhood Favorites
Road Runner Roller CoasterLooney Tunes / Warner Bros. Movie WorldChildhood Favorites
Rocket BoxRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites
Rooney HouseLiv & MaddieAbsolute Rage
Scary Maze GameThe MazeClassic Internet
Sea Dragon IslandImaginextChildhood Favorites
Seaside IslandSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
Sega World SydneySega WorldChildhood Favorites
Shady Lake BridgeThe MiddleSo Weird
Shrek's SwampShrekMLG
Six Flags AtlantisSix FlagsChildhood Favorites
Six Flags New OrleansSix FlagsChildhood Favorites
SolitaireMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Sooga VillagePuccaSo Weird
Spider SolitaireMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
SpongeBob SquarePants 4-D RideSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
St. Denis MedicalSt. Denis MedicalSo Weird
Stampy's Lovely WorldMinecraft / StampylongnoseChildhood Favorites
Storybook VillageSuper Why!YouTube Poop
Superflat WorldMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Tails AdventuresTails AdventuresChildhood Favorites
TempleSuper Smash Flash / Zelda II: The Adventures Of LinkNewgrounds
The BackroomsThe BackroomsCreepypasta
The Cat Mario ShowThe Cat Mario ShowChildhood Favorites
The Farmer's HouseShaun The SheepSo Weird
The Funtastic World Of Hanna-BarberaUniversal Studios FloridaChildhood Favorites
The Furchester HotelThe Furchester HotelChildhood Favorites
The KitchenAnnoying OrangeClassic InternetYou fight on the kitchen counter while the Annoying Orange in the background keeps asking "Hey Apple!" to Midget Apple.The knife will randomly charge down onto the counter with a few second warning, and anyone who gets hit by the knife does major damage.
The Loud HouseThe Loud HouseAbsolute RageHas the same layout as the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl stage.
The Mountain CaveLEGO MinecraftChildhood Favorites
The Neighborhood Of Make-BelieveDaniel Tiger's NeighborhoodSo Weird
The NetherMinecraftChildhood Favorites
The PalaceMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
The Time MachineOggy & The CockroachesSo Weird
The VillageLEGO MinecraftChildhood Favorites
Thornton HouseBeethoven's Big BreakSo Weird
Timon & Pumbaa's Virtual Safari 1.5The Lion King 1 1/2Childhood Favorites
TinkerMicrosoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites
TodaylandMeet The RobinsonsFrutiger Aero
Tomodachi IslandTomodachi LifeChildhood Favorites
Tournament Of Elements ArenaNinjagoSo Weird
Toy KingdomPeter RabbitSo Weird
Truffula ForestDr. Seuss' The LoraxChildhood Favorites
TulipsMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood Favorites
Turner HouseThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage
Tutorial WorldMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Twenty One Pilots Self TitledTwenty One PilotsSo WeirdThe goop on the bottom of the stage is sticky which will give you slow movement.
Vito's PizzaThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Walton House FireThe WaltonsTraumatizingYou fight as the Waltons' house catches on fire.You start outside, then the stage morphs you into the inside of the house from the staircase to the upstairs hallway to the bedrooms and back outside again. While inside the house, fire explosions can happen or wood falling from the ceiling and onto the stage.
Warner Bros. Movie WorldWarner Bros. Movie WorldChildhood Favorites
Water WorldMinecraftChildhood FavoritesYou fight on a grass platform in a water superflat world.The stage morphs into these locations: A boxing ring, a cemetery, a prison, and a wedding
What's Wrong With This Picture?What's Wrong With This Picture?Classic Internet
Where's Waldo?Where's Waldo?Classic Internet
WhovilleDr. Seuss' The GrinchChildhood Favorites
WiiNintendoChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Wii UNintendoChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Wild Western TownFisher-Price Great AdventuresChildhood Favorites
Windows 1.0Microsoft Windows 1.0Childhood Favorites
Windows 2.0Microsoft Windows 2.0Childhood Favorites
Windows 2.1Microsoft Windows 2.1Childhood Favorites
Windows 3.0Microsoft Windows 3.0Childhood Favorites
Windows 3.1Microsoft Windows 3.1Childhood Favorites
Windows 7Microsoft Windows 7Childhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Windows 8Microsoft Windows 8Childhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Windows 8.1Microsoft Windows 8.1Childhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Windows 10Microsoft Windows 10Childhood Favorites
Windows 95Microsoft Windows 95Childhood Favorites
Windows 98Microsoft Windows 98Childhood Favorites
Windows 2000Microsoft Windows 2000Childhood Favorites
Windows LiveMicrosoft Windows VistaFrutiger Aero
Windows MeMicrosoft Windows MeChildhood Favorites
Windows Media CenterMicrosoft Windows 7 / Microsoft Windows 8 Pro / Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro / Microsoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger AeroHas the same layout as the Rivals of Aether stage.
Windows NT 3.1Microsoft Windows NT 3.1Childhood Favorites
Windows NT 3.5Microsoft Windows NT 3.5Childhood Favorites
Windows NT 3.51Microsoft Windows NT 3.51Childhood Favorites
Windows NT 4.0Microsoft Windows NT 4.0Childhood Favorites
Windows VistaMicrosoft Windows VistaChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
Windows XPMicrosoft Windows XPChildhood Favorites / Frutiger Aero
WordWorldWordWorldChildhood Favorites
Xbox 360XboxChildhood FavoritesYou fight on the Xbox 360 dashboard.
Yoshi's IslandMARIOCreepypasta
YouTubeYouTubeClassic Internet
ZoekenZoekenClassic Internet

There's also custom stages too.

Assist Trophies[]

AndreaDennis The Menace (1993)So WeirdPuts her face on the printer as it shoots out pictures of her face like a projectile, giving players papercuts if they hit.
BabyGrown Ups 2So WeirdPops a yoga ball, causing a massive soundwave that blasts players off.
Beagle PuppyOne Christmas Eve (2014)TraumatizingPulls down a Christmas tree as it lights on fire, burning nearby players.
BonkersBonkersSo WeirdGets his hand stuck in a typewriter (or at least that's what I think it is) as he stretches his hand in which he then flings the typewriter to him, hitting players in the process.
Bush's Beans CustomerBush's BeansSo WeirdWalks to the stage with two paper bags with his wife cooking dinner and asks her husband if he got the beans. The bottom of each bag then rips open, flooding the beans and the players off the stage. When the flood ends, he tells his wife "Yes! Yes I did!"
Chad Olson & Camilla SalvettiSleep NumberSo WeirdThe two of them fight over a wishbone as their little tug-o-war pushes players back to whoever hits who.
CrusherThe Garfield ShowAbsolute RageWhen summoned, Garfield can be heard screaming "The Bulldog of Doom!" along with a woman screaming after he says that. Crusher's gimmick is that he walks around the stage with very slow movement and bites any player to an instant KO, similar to the Ultimate Chimera from Mother 3.
Eddy WallyEddy WallyCelebrities / MLGPops up on screen and says his famous "Wow!", which causes every player to be frozen in place for a few seconds then Eddy Wally leaves.
ElfilinKirbyAdorable CharactersFlies around the stage and hits players with the palm of his hand. It does very weak damage though due to how small his hits are.
Flynn JonesShake It UpSo WeirdCan do one of his two actions. One is that he holds up a pair of keys and jingles them which drags players to him. His second action is that he sleeps on the floor, causing every player to fall asleep as well.
Giant Thomas The Tank EngineAnt-Man / Thomas & FriendsSo WeirdGoes around the stage like a toy train. Anyone who hits Thomas enlarges him, causing major damage.
Kitty GaloreCats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty GaloreSo WeirdUnleashes "The Call of the Wild", in which the players are brainwashed and have their controls inverted. Eventually Kitty Galore's machine blows up, having the players return to their original state.
Lenny The Bad Luck KangarooAlexander And The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad DaySo WeirdHops around the stage and kicks players by jumping and kicking in the air.
PipThe Plucky SquireAdorable CharactersWalks around the stage and swings his tail as it trips players. He then gives out a thumbs up then leaves.
Pizza Delivery BoyShaun The SheepSo WeirdDrives his motorbike across the stage as he tosses pizza boxes at players. Somebody order pizza anybody?
RudyKronk's New GrooveSo WeirdCrawls around the stage like Gollum and throws Yzma's potions at the players. The potions, however, make the player become unconscious and poisonous.
Ruff RuffmanThe Ruff Ruffman ShowChildhood FavoritesDances on the tiny birdbath in his Hello Birdie costume while the birdbath tips over, hitting a player in the process while the spilt water also trips players too.
ShirleyShaun The SheepSo WeirdRides a shopping cart down a hill as it bashes through players and finally crashes off-screen as Hollywoodedge, Funny Sgl Chicken CRT011001 plays.
Squidward On A ChairSpongeBob SquarePantsYouTube PoopHits players as he spins in the chair while also singing Squidward On A Chair.
Stitch With A ChainsawStitch! The MovieSo WeirdRuns around with a chainsaw as it does major damage to players. The chainsaw can also destroy various stage hazards as well.
Sue Heck & DeerThe MiddleSo WeirdSue just stands there as a deer hops onto the stage, bashing players and finally Sue. The deer also KO's Sue as the deer just hops off the stage.
The Amazing AcquaintancesTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute RageAll five of them fly around the stage as they hit players, similar to the Latias and Latios Pokemon.
The GrannyShaun The SheepSo WeirdWhacks players with her purse, but has very slow movement.
The Mechanic Cat In The HatDr. Seuss' The Cat In The HatSo WeirdDigs into a couch and fights an elephant as the elephant whacks players with its trunk. He can also fart, which can poison a player due to how bad it smells.
The Shaving GrinchDr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole ChristmasSo WeirdRuns around shaving players off while also throwing shavers at them too. Yeowch!
Thomas McGregorPeter RabbitSo WeirdStrangles a teddy bear as it causes an earthquake, tripping players in the process. He also attends to shake the camera as well, how weird is that?
Tommy PicklesRugratsSo WeirdPops out of a spaghetti dish, as the food cover does very weak damage.

Background Characters[]

NameFranchiseCategoriesStage Appearances
AlexMinecraftChildhood FavoritesRoad Runner Roller Coaster -
Alex The LionMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals. He is seen up front in the van with Marty.
Beagle BoysMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo WeirdOpera House - / Pete's Secret Lair - / The Palace -
BeethovenBeethoven's Big BreakSo WeirdMovie Studio - / Thornton House -
Billy ThorntonBeethoven's Big BreakSo WeirdMovie Studio - / Thornton House -
Bob AcriMicrosoft Windows 7CelebritiesWindows Media Center -
BoopsieGarfield & FriendsChildhood FavoritesLittle Girl's Mansion - Appears as the stage hazard in the backyard area.
CatSt. Denis MedicalSo WeirdSt. Denis Medical -
Chantel DuBoisMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears chasing the animals in the van.
Dancing LegsMickey Mouse (2013)Absolute RageMickey Mouse's House - Appears as one of the stage hazards.
Duke Pez DispenserThe Secret Life Of PetsChildhood FavoritesRoad Runner Roller Coaster -
Eddie ThorntonBeethoven's Big BreakSo WeirdMovie Studio - / Thornton House -
Fat SonicSonic 2 XLSo WeirdEmerald Hill Zone XL -
GloriaMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
Habib Koite & BamadaMicrosoft Windows VistaCelebritiesWindows Media Center -
Homeless GuyAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
Jeffrey EpsteinAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
JellyfishMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood FavoritesWindows Media Center -
JonAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
Karsh KaleMicrosoft Windows VistaCelebritiesWindows Media Center -
King JulienMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
KoalaMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood FavoritesWindows Media Center -
Kool-Aid ManKool-AidSo WeirdKool-Aid Man On Progressive -
KowalskiMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdHotel - Appears pillow fighting with the other penguins. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
Luciana SouzaMicrosoft Windows VistaCelebritiesWindows Media Center -
Little GirlGarfield & FriendsChildhood FavoritesLittle Girl's Mansion -
MartyMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals. He is seen driving the van.
Marty "Torso Boy"Albuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
MasonMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdHotel - Appears just chillin' in the room. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
MauriceMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
MelmanMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals. He is seen peeking his head out the window with his long neck.
Mickey, Donald, & GoofyMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo WeirdMusketeer Building - / Opera House - / The Palace -
Mickey Mouse's CarMickey Mouse (2013)Absolute RageMickey Mouse's House - Appears as one of the stage hazards.
Miracle MachineAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
MortMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdLuxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
Nathaniel Machine & Superfly MachineAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
Patrick StarSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / Dare To Be Stupid / YouTube PoopPineapple Fever - Appears trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. When the match is almost over, he turns old.
PenguinsMicrosoft Windows 7Childhood FavoritesWindows Media Center -
PeteMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo WeirdMusketeer Building - Appears taking a shower after the ceiling crumbles to the floor. / Pete's Secret Lair -
Phil The King Of VersaillesMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdCasino - Appears gambling. / Hotel - Appears throwing a TV out the window and putting on lipstick. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals. He screams like Hollywoodedge, Screams 2 Woman Singl PE133601 whenever someone gets KO'ed.
Philip J. FryFuturamaDare To Be Stupid / NewgroundsAlbuquerque -
Princess Minnie & Princess DaisyMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo WeirdThe Palace -
PrivateMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdHotel - Appears pillow fighting with the other penguins. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
Regan MacNeilThe ExorcistClassic InternetGhost Caught On Tape - / Scary Maze Game - Appears as the jumpscare at the end of the maze.
RicoMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdHotel - Appears pillow fighting with the other penguins. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals.
Robot SheepMickey Mouse ClubhouseSo WeirdMickey Mouse Clubhouse -
Sauerkraut MachineAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -
SkipperMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdHotel - Appears pillow fighting with the other penguins. / Luxury Assault Recreational Vehicle - Appears in the van with the other animals. He is seen sitting in his baby car seat making sounds from it at random times.
Vito CappellettiThe Garfield ShowAbsolute RageMama Meany's Pizza Palace - / Vito's Pizza -
Zelda MachineAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgroundsAlbuquerque -


14 Years Birthday CaketruthorangeSo WeirdThrow this on a player and it will stick to them while opening a black hole underneath them in which they get sucked into. Players who are over 100% damage get instant KO'ed in the black hole.
CheesecakeOm Nom StoriesChildhood Favorites
Cigarette Ice CreamtruthorangeSo Weird
Cookie Monster's PackageSesame StreetChildhood FavoritesThrow the package and what will pop out be a cookie with the letter O in it. Eating the cookie heals you by a little, but it gives you a tiny amount of damage because you ate a plastic O.
Dehydrated Energy CapsuleTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute RageEating this makes you giant for a short amount of time. Similar to the Super Mushroom. But unlike the Super Mushroom, you have very slow movement due to how fat you are.
Dog CollarThe Garfield ShowAbsolute RageThrow this at your opponent and it will lock in and randomly either shoot its water guns at you or rapidly hit you with pillows until the collar comes off.
Giant Hello Kitty Pez DispenserAnt-Man & The Wasp / SanrioSo Weird
GunsCall Of DutyMLGThey're guns. What did you expect?
Hickory Honey HamChristmas With The KranksSo WeirdThrow this at a player and they will get squished by a bycoming truck.
Hot ChocolateOm Nom StoriesChildhood Favorites
Issues DollKornOw The Edge
Kinder ChocolateKinderChildhood Favorites
Kinder Chocolate MaxiKinderChildhood Favorites
Kinder Happy HippoKinderChildhood Favorites
Kinder JoyKinderChildhood Favorites
Kinger PinguiKinderChildhood Favorites
Kinder SurpriseKinderChildhood Favorites
Krabby PattySpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube PoopEating this will heal you. There's also a side effect to it where you can't hit players because you are filled with love from eating it.
Marty's Rainbow WigMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo WeirdWearing this gives you a small amount of defense.
Moldy CheeseDiary Of A Wimpy KidAbsolute RagePicking this up gives you the "Cheese Touch" which poisons you and any player you touch will also be poisoned too.
Monster Energy DrinkMonster EnergyOw The EdgeDrinking this will have you run at super sonic speed. You also take constant damage due to how fast your heart is beating.
Mountain DewMountain DewMLG
Nasty PattySpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube PoopEating this will poison you. It is nasty after all.
Old SpiceOld SpiceChildhood Favorites
Pizza BoxShaun The SheepSo WeirdThrow this at a player and they will get trapped inside a pizza box. Watch out because they can break out any time.
Poop SandwichJudy Moody & The Not Bummer SummerSo Weird
SauerkrautAlbuquerque: THE MOVIENewgrounds
Sonic Pizza BoxSonic PizzaCreepypastaWorks the same way as the pizza box, only this one damages anybody inside the box and takes a little more longer to break out.
Squidward's SouffleSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
TNTCaptainSparklez / MinecraftClassic InternetWorks the same way as the Blast Box.

The Subspace Army[]

NameFranchiseCategoriesRole In SSE
Alien Cat TomTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
Angelica PicklesRugrats TheoryCreepypasta
Anti-FariesThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage
AOSTH Dr. Ivo "Eggman" RobotnikAdventures Of Sonic The HedgehogYouTube Poop
BacteriasThe BackroomsCreepypasta
Beagle BoysMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
Ben DrownedBen Drowned / The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's MaskCreepypasta
BergensTrollsChildhood Favorites
Birthday Cake MonstersThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
BlazesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
BoggedMinecraftChildhood Favorites
BonziBuddyBonziBuddyClassic Internet
Boom Dr. Ivo "Eggman" RobotnikSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
Boom Shadow The HedgehogSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
BoomerThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable Characters
BowserSuper MarioChildhood Favorites
BreezesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
BrickThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable Characters
ButchThe Powerpuff GirlsAdorable Characters
Butch CatTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
CD-i GanonLink: The Faces Of Evil / Zelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube Poop
CellDragon Ball ZYouTube Poop
Chantel DuBoisMadagascar 3: Europe's Most WantedSo Weird
Chicken JockiesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Classic Dr. Ivo "Eggman" RobotnikSonic The HedgehogChildhood Favorites
ClippyMicrosoft Windows XPClassic Internet
CreakingsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
CreepersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
CrushersThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
DaimurArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube Poop
Dead BartDead BartCreepypasta
Denzel CrockerThe Fairly OddParentsAbsolute Rage
Dog CollarsThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
DoodleBobSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
DoomdogTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
Drawing MonstersThe Powerpuff GirlsSo Weird
Dr. GoodieGoodThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Dr. OctogonapusThe Lazer CollectionYouTube Poop
Dr. PuzzleThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Dr. WhippleThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Duke NodelkiArzette: The Jewel Of FaramoreYouTube Poop
Duke OnkledZelda: The Wand Of GamelonYouTube Poop
Egyptian CatsThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Elder GuardiansMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Ender DragonMinecraftChildhood Favorites
EndermenMinecraftChildhood Favorites
EndermitesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
EvokersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Eyeless JackEyeless JackCreepypasta
FurbiesFurbyScary Or Recalled Toys
Fuzzy LumpkinsThe Powerpuff GirlsSo Weird
GhastMinecraftChildhood Favorites
GhostsNinjagoSo Weird
GiantsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Gloomius MaximusRolie Polie OlieChildhood Favorites
Great DevouerNinjagoSo Weird
GuardiansMinecraftChildhood Favorites
HansFrozenChildhood Favorites
Happy AppyHappy AppyCreepypasta
HarryThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
HerobrineHerobrine / MinecraftCreepypasta
HIMThe Powerpuff GirlsSo Weird
Hoglin JockiesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
HoglinsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Hotel BowserHotel MarioYouTube Poop
HumgrumpThe Plucky SquireAdorable Characters
HusksMinecraftChildhood Favorites
I. M. MeenI. M. MeenYouTube Poop
IllusionersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Invince-A-TronTom & Jerry: Blast Off To MarsAbsolute Rage
Jeff The KillerJeff The KillerCreepypasta
Jolly ChimpsToy Story 3Scary Or Recalled Toys
K-Fee ZombiesK-FeeClassic Internet
Lasagna KingThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Laughing JackLaughing JackCreepypasta
LazariI Eat Pasta For BreakfastCreepypasta
Lenny The Bad Luck KangarooAlexander And The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad DaySo Weird
Le SpatulasSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / YouTube Poop
Little Dancing GirlsLittle Dancing GirlClassic Internet
Lord BusinessThe LEGO MovieChildhood Favorites
Lord FarquaadShrekMLG
Magma CubesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
MarshmallowFrozenChildhood Favorites
Martian Mice ServantsTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
M. BisonStreet Fighter: The Animated SeriesYouTube Poop
Michael Jackson GhostsMichael Jackson's GhostCelebrities / Classic Internet
Micro ManagersThe LEGO MovieChildhood Favorites
Mojo JojoThe Powerpuff GirlsSo Weird
MorphoSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
MorroNinjagoSo Weird
Movie PigsThe Angry Birds MovieChildhood Favorites
Mr. Bear1999Creepypasta
Mushi SanbanCodename: Kids Next DoorAdorable Characters
NadakhanNinjagoSo Weird
NathanThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
NeferkittyThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Orbots & CubotsSonic BoomAbsolute Rage
PartygoersThe BackroomsCreepypasta
PazuzuThe ExorcistClassic Internet
PeteMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersSo Weird
PhantomsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Piglin BrutesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
PiglinsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
PigsShaun The SheepSo Weird
PillagersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
PlanktonamorSpongeBob SquarePants: Dunces & DragonsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
Prince CharmingShrek 2MLG
Princess Martian MouseTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
Puffy FluffySpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / YouTube Poop
Queen Martian MouseTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
Rap RatsRap RatCreepypasta
RavagersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
RedNES Godzilla CreepypastaCreepypasta
Red Mist SquidwardSquidward's SuicideCreepypasta
Regan MacNeilThe ExorcistClassic Internet
R.O.B.sStack-Up/GyromiteScary Or Recalled Toys
Robot SheepMickey Mouse ClubhouseSo Weird
RobotsThe LEGO MovieChildhood Favorites
RoninNinjagoSo Weird
RumpelstiltskinShrek Forever AfterMLG / So Weird
Russ CargillThe Simpsons MovieSo Weird
Sally WilliamsSally WilliamsCreepypasta
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Shadow The HedgehogSonic The HedgehogNewgrounds / Ow The Edge
Sheldon J. PlanktonSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / Childhood Favorites / YouTube Poop
ShulkersMinecraftChildhood Favorites
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Skeleton HorsemenMinecraftChildhood Favorites
SkeletonsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Slender MenSlender ManCreepypasta
SlimesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
SmelliesSpongeBob SquarePantsAbsolute Rage / YouTube Poop
Smile DogsSmile DogCreepypasta
SnakesNinjagoSo Weird
Space LasagnaThe Garfield ShowAbsolute Rage
Spider JockiesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
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Spike BulldogTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
SpikezillaTom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
StraysMinecraftChildhood Favorites
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The GrannyShaun The SheepSo Weird
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The PreeminentNinjagoSo Weird
The Shaving GrinchDr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole ChristmasSo Weird
VegetaDragon Ball ZYouTube Poop
Verminator 7000Tom & Jerry TalesAbsolute Rage
VexesMinecraftChildhood Favorites
Victim #1MARIOCreepypasta
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WardensMinecraftChildhood Favorites
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ZoglinsMinecraftChildhood Favorites
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Zombie VillagersMinecraftChildhood Favorites


  • Villagerette is the name NinetiesKids gave to the female Villager from the Animal Crossing: City Folk front cover.
  • Water World is the name of a really old Minecraft world NinetiesKids used to have.
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6097

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.