We (were)n't supposed to be Immortal - Chapter 3 - Xaxil (2024)

Chapter Text

Needless to say they hadn't done much learning as you would have expected on the first day.

Professor Craige seemed fully intent on making everyone feel as uncomfortable as possible, no doubt trying to get a feel for his students. He had left Hiro alone for the majority of class, probably letting him off the hook since he had completely embarrassed him within the first few minutes of meeting.

Maybe he was just trying to redeem Hiro’s respect for him. Either way, as long as he was being ignored then Craige was officially his favorite professor.

Now if only the guy sitting beside him would kindly do the same, everything would be just peachy.

Throughout the entire period Tadashi had glanced over at him every few minutes. No doubt looking to start some kind of conversation. He didn't even know what kind of expression he had on his face. But it must have been somewhere between inviting and apprehensive because in his mind, he had done absolutely nothing to gain Tadashi’s attention.

After an hour of internally debating whether or not to just turn and ask the guy what he wanted, Hiro decided against it.

Instead he leaned over to his left, his chest meeting with the corner of the wood as he extended his arm out, pulling his backpack closer towards him. Mindlessly he began shuffling through his backpack that had slumped up against the black metal foot of the table. Taking his time he filed through the layers of scrap paper looking for something, anything really, that would make him look distracted enough not to be bothered with.


Pulling out his schedule and SFIT student handbook Hiro turned back towards his original position placing the papers on the table. He leaning his body over the papers as though he was preparing to study them. His eyes skimmed the words at a slow pace to mimic reading. He had already memorized his schedule for the semester and no one ever bothered to read the school handbook.

And while he was nothing like everyone else. He wasn't actually going to read the thing.

Turning the page as Professor Craige continued on with a rundown of the semester, he could see Tadashi glance at him from the corner of his eye. A small disappointed frown formed on his face as he took in the sight of Hiro reading. With a sigh Tadashi rested his elbows down onto the table, his shoulders relaxing as he turned to face forward, seemingly giving up on him.

Success! Hiro relaxed in his seat feeling mildly accomplished.

Though taking a better look at Tadashi's defeated posture he couldn't help but feel just a little bit bad. Judging by the way the older boy slumped looking uninterested but attentive with what Professor Craige was explaining. Hiro could clearly tell he was pouting. It was kind of cute.

Wait a minute.


No... no, no, no.

Forcing back a disgruntled groan Hiro ran a hand through his hair crinkling the papers in front of him as he moved.

He didn't want to talk to Tadashi or anyone else here for that matter. And judging from the fact he didn't look completely defeated meant he was going to try again at some point or another.

Hiro looked up over at the clock hanging right above the doorway. He had three minutes for class to be over. Craige seemed to be wrapping up his speech, which to be honest, he had only half listened to. He had filtered out only the important words. But he had stopped listening altogether when classwork was brought up. Even if Craige said Hiro was going to have to work for his status, deep down he knew this was going to be an easy A.

Straightening up his posture he gave the clock a quick side glance.

A little over a minute left.

“Alright.” Professor Craige drew everyone's attention back towards him. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned backwards onto the front of his podium. “That was a summary of what's in store for you all if you wish to remain in this course.” He said as his eyes scanned the group. His gaze lingering on a few nervous looking students. “If you still have questions or concerns come see me during my office hours. For those of you who plan on switching out..." He smirked. "I mourn your wasted potential. Class dismissed.”

Craige concluded his speech turning by his back to the class as he began collecting his things.

He was probably one of those teachers. The ones who would use as much time as possible regardless of how much everyone else was dying to leave. And Hiro normally wouldn't have cared considering he had no where else to be, but today-

Today he wanted out.

People around him began moving. Awkwardly standing from their seats and hesitantly picking up their things. Binder clips clasped shut as papers were rustled. Some brave souls started up conversations with other nearby students standing around them. Trying to make the most of the first day.

As quickly as he could without looking frantic Hiro shoved the papers back into his backpack, yanking it up onto his lap. Beside him Tadashi sat up straight, following his movements as he picked up his own brown bag, ducking his head as he swung the strap over his broad shoulders.

Hiro knew that if he wasn't out of here in a few seconds he was going to be trapped. Pulling the sides of his backpack together he quickly zipped it closed with a practiced speed.

“Hey, um-” Tadashi pushed his chair in as a stood up turning to face him. A friendly smile painted onto his features as he adjusted the leather strap across his chest.

No... He internally groaned. Why me? Hiro sighed mournfully, watching as students filtered out of the door. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder he slipped around his seat to stand behind his chair.


“Hey!” Startled by the sudden shout, they both stopped and turned to look in the direction the noise had come from.


“You’re Tadashi, right?” A female voice interrupted their would be conversation.

Saved! Hiro lingered around long enough to get a look at the girl. She wasn't alone, another girl slightly shorter stood beside her. They were basically living barbie dolls. Same figure and extensions as the doll, their makeup was spot on too. Congrats on being pretty and smart. He'd give them a trophy but Tadashi kind of already claimed it. Either way, props to them.

“Yeah, I’m Tadashi. Did you need something from me?”

The girls briefly glanced at Hiro, a dismissive look in their eyes as they purposely ignored him.


Well, okay then. Message received. They clearly found him unpleasant and didn't want him there. Well he definitely didn't ask to be here either, so tough gummy bears lady.

“We were wondering if you were busy later today?” The taller girl asked, a flip of her blond hair as she placed it behind her ear to reveal small gold earrings.

Asked on date on the first day? Unbelievable. Was this guy even real? He was sure no one ever got that lucky. Quietly kicking in his chair Hiro turned on his heel, quickly making his way to the exit. This was his time to escape and he wasn't losing it.

“Uh, I-” Tadashi’s eyes followed him as Hiro made his way out of the classroom. “Hey-Hiro, wait-”

Nope. Not a chance. Hiro scoffed as he reached the door frame, quickly turning the corner and was gone.

Weaving his way down the hall and practically jumping down the stairs without any real destination in mind, Hiro took the first large door leading outside. The wind greeted him before the sun did as he moved out of people’s way. Looking out into the courtyard he made his way over to an empty table hidden behind a few trees. Unlike this morning, not many students were wandering about so he could spend his time alone in peace.

He had an hour or so before his next class. And while he could just go home and come back, it would just be a waste of bus fare and he’d more than likely be late. Taking a seat on the weathered piece of wood Hiro took the time to think about his day so far.

Did it suck? Yes. Monday's usually suck but this one was a vacuum on steroids.

Did his classmates dislike him? Most likely.

Did he blame them? Nope.

Was Tadashi Hamada going to try and talk to him on Wednesday? Probably.

It wasn't like Hiro hated the guy. Tadashi genuinely seemed kind enough, but that was entirely besides the point. If people couldn't tell by now he didn't really have many friends.

Actually if he was completely honest he had no friends at all. Though it didn't really bother him as much anymore. A life as a child prodigy was a lonely one. The amount of pressure he was forced to carry was enormous, and the amount of bitter doubt and jealousy was just as heavy on his strained shoulders.

It wasn't his parents fault though. He had brought this upon himself.

While it is true that some parents did push their kids too hard and give them breakdowns. Hiro had never been forced into doing anything by his parents. It wasn't like they didn't care, they just knew he cared too much. If anything he felt sorry for them.

They had always been the ones forced to deal with the constant meetings, documents, tests, reporters, and just plain rude adults constantly judging their way of parenting, all because Hiro had always been just a bit to co*cky and overall very bad with people. His mom could calm a storm with her strong yet polite manner, and his dad spoke with a voice about as demanding as thunder, everyone had no choice but to listen and be amazed.

There is no consensus about how to raise ordinary children, so it is not surprising that there is nothing in books about how to raise remarkable children.

Like parents of children who are severely challenged, parents of exceptionally talented children are custodians of young people beyond their comprehension.

So that’s why when the bullying, taunting, and exploitation of his talent, if Hiro could even call it that, had started. He dealt with it himself.

Every confidence shattering, emotionally scarring thing that every psychologist claimed would destroy a child’s development, he went though. The name calling, the physical and emotional blows, the rejection, the ‘do my homework or else!’, the forced company of kids he knew hated him but pretended to be nice just because their parents wished they could somehow inherit his intelligence, even though Hiro would have gladly gone through hell and back just to give it away to anyone.

He brought “friends” home to meet his parents just to provided them with a sense of comfort, that yes, he was doing okay. Even though he always knew that they approached him with the intention of finding out if a person could hit something lower than rock bottom.

At this point Hiro could fully testify that it was possible. He had a drawer in his room filled with torn out robot designs that even he knew were far too dangerous to ever use on anyone. Let alone some stupid kid in his class.

So needless to say that when the opportunity presented itself he had gone ahead and sprinted his way through high school.

He let people copy. Let them claim his work, use him as a stepping stool and threaten him with harassment, because in the back of his mind. His fragile confidence still clung to the fact that he was, and probably always will be, better than everyone else.

It was a horrible thing to think. It was the kind of mentality that probably deserved all the ill intentions he had received. But even so, the thought comforted him the way people should have.

Pulling out his phone Hiro slid his thumb mindlessly over the screen. He had calculus in a classroom two buildings over. Somewhere near the science labs according to his map. The science labs were not open to the public for safety and invention copyright reasons. Though they were free for students to explore. SFIT assigned every upperclassmen aiming for a degree in some form of science a personal lab. Hiro couldn't wait for next year so he could declare his major and get an official lab all to himself.

Putting the device back into his pocket he stood up, stretching his arms before he shifted his clothes and backpack into a more comfortable position. He had the time so he might as well go check out a few labs while he was waiting.

Pulling up his hood Hiro began to make his way over to the lab building. The walk as ultimately brief and ordinary as anyone would expect it to be. But as he got closer he could see students running in and out of the large elaborate building. Some carrying detailed blueprints crumpled in their ambitious hands while others carried out complex looking pieces of an unfinished project. Hiro could feel his excitement building with each step. He was dying to just run up and take a look at what other students had been working on. Granted he wasn't going to be able to touch or poke at anything, but a good look wouldn't hurt.

Taking his chances Hiro pushed his way inside. Curiously making his way through a series of hallways. He grinned as he peeked through open doors. A student in a lab coat was making obnoxious hand gestures as they animatedly explained a glowing disk floating above the ground to another inventor. Even if Hiro wanted to know what it was he kept walking, making his way over to the next open door.

In the next room over there was a man holding a remote grinning almost manically as he looked up at something above him. Following his gaze Hiro resisted the urge to laugh. Some poor cat was wearing rocket boots on his paws, elevating him up into the air like a toy airplane. The feline looked just about as done as he was angry. Hiro watched as the man ran his thumb along his controller.

A move that appeared pretty harmless.

At first it merely looked like he was making the cat turn mid air, but testing anything with a live animal almost never went smoothly. He had personally learned that the hard way. The sudden change in movement startled the cat who instantly tried to shift it’s body so that it would instinctively land on its feet.

Either the cat was really strong or the restraints holding him to the boots were weak, because both boots instantly came loose on the cat’s right side sending it toppling over onto the inventors face. The poor guy screamed at the contact as he threw his controller down on reflex to protect his face. The piece of machinery instantly shattered upon contact with the floor and Hiro had no choice but to duck as the rockets ran wild. Knocking into everything it ran into as they flew past his head at an alarming yet impressive speed.

The cat and inventor took cover instantly. Ducking for shelter behind a desk. Trails of smoke followed the rockets path. And Hiro briefly wondered if fire alarms would go off.

The sound of clattering objects, clinging metal and tell tale sound of rockets drew the attention of other startled students as Hiro moved back, clutching at the straps on his shoulders as he made his way back towards where he had entered from. He watched as students and some advisers sprinted past him towards the lab. Only to duck and scatter around frantically for cover as they nearly were hit by one of four small cat sized rockets boots.

It was funny to see a bunch of nerds scramble around, flailing their hands in the air tying hopelessly to reach the dangerous objects.

If he was anyone else, he might of just stayed and helped them. Hey, maybe Tadashi would hear about this and come running in with a full proof plan. He would probably save the day in a way that no doubt would fail if anyone else had tried it.

With a small amused huff, Hiro let himself out before he could draw attention. He would get more chances to look at the labs later, and the last thing he wanted was to be involved in any incident report.

Making the walk back to the math department Hiro looked back his phone. He still had fifteen minutes before his next class started. Not knowing what else to do he made his way down the hall and into the second door on his left past the drinking fountain. The classroom looked just the same as the last one. Except that this one had actually bothered to seat them by last name and not just by letter.

“And you are?” A dull voice came from behind a desk placed in the far end of the room.

“I’m Hiro.” He said walking closer towards the old man who he guessed was his calculus teacher. “Hiro Hamada.”

“Hamada...” He moved to push back his glasses. “Aren't you a little young to be in college?”

Aren't you a little old to be alive?

“No. I’m sixteen.” He sighed. “Professor Callaghan probably told you about me.”

“Callaghan?” He frowned, a look of realization slowly working its way onto his face. “I know who you are, you’re the prodigy.”

Why did you have to say it like that?

“Yeah, that’s me.” Could he just tell him where to sit already?

As though reading his mind the old man let out a sharp laugh. “Alright Hamada. Second seat, third row from the front.”


Making his way over Hiro casually threw down his things. Pulling out his seat calmly as he sat down, well at least now he wouldn't have to worry about looking so awkward. Downside was that people were going to be forced to sit next to him.

Taking out a piece of random scrap paper Hiro began to design his own pair of rocket boots. Modeling his after the guy’s failed ones. He added his own modifications and controls.

Where could he get a cat? His dad was allergic to cats so he wouldn't be able to test them out in his basem*nt. What kind of rockets should he use? They definitely had to be small but strong. Reinforced metal plating? No that'd make them too heavy...

Throwing himself into his work he hadn't noticed anyone make their way in. He planned on continuing to work until class started and people would wander in and find their seats.

Would low friction-?



Pausing his train of thought, Hiro froze. His pencil had skid to a halt on his paper fast enough to tear a hole in it. He knew that voice. No... It couldn't be...

Looking up from his work his eyes widened. There in all his angelic glory stood the one and only.

Tadashi Hamada.

We (were)n't supposed to be Immortal - Chapter 3 - Xaxil (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.